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ferrets not eating rabbits????

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my 9 ferrets get 1/2 a rabbit per night (court system), plus dry food every other day too, i wouldent recomend dry only, ferts are made to eat raw meat and bone,

i do however dice the rabbit with an axe, skin it, chop head off, which they get too, the hack the carcass in 9 plus pieces, that way not too much fighting over meat,

as others have said, try chopping it up, and keep off the dry, if not eaten, replace, they will eat soon enough

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  Greengrass said:
When you say you gutted the rabbit and when they did'nt eat it you gave it to the dogs, do you just give it to them bones and all or what ?


of course, bones,fur, everything, :doh: they are carnivous, lots of vits etc in bones and fur/feather


did'nt you ever see WHITE DOG POO, as a kid i always thought that came from white dogs, but infact it came from dogs fed on raw bones etc, makes their arse's work properly, look at alot of todays dogs, forever biting their arses, that because they get swollen rear glands where they get fed tinned crap, rather that what there digestive system was made for, raw, same goes for ferrets

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  Meerihunter said:
Arthur are they the ones you got from me? I've never come across this all mine including your kits were/are fed entirely on rabbit with the odd pheasant or venision scraps. Are they possible getting too much?





Hello Meerihunter,

yes they are the guys i got from you. brilliant beasties for temperament and staying power down those holes. Cant thank you enough.

I think i will try harder to get them back on the rabbits, my wife finds it a lot easier to just give them ox heart when i am offshore as i bag it up into dinner sized amounts but i could just as easily do the same to a rabbit carcass.

Greengrass, my terriers get BARF as much as possible. when the rabbits are plentiful then half each or a bundle of pork ribs from tesco's reduced section, otherwise it is skinners complete for working dogs in its various forms, but BARF as preference.





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Guest john2007oliver
  arthur said:
  Meerihunter said:
Arthur are they the ones you got from me? I've never come across this all mine including your kits were/are fed entirely on rabbit with the odd pheasant or venision scraps. Are they possible getting too much?





Hello Meerihunter,

yes they are the guys i got from you. brilliant beasties for temperament and staying power down those holes. Cant thank you enough.

I think i will try harder to get them back on the rabbits, my wife finds it a lot easier to just give them ox heart when i am offshore as i bag it up into dinner sized amounts but i could just as easily do the same to a rabbit carcass.

Greengrass, my terriers get BARF as much as possible. when the rabbits are plentiful then half each or a bundle of pork ribs from tesco's reduced section, otherwise it is skinners complete for working dogs in its various forms, but BARF as preference.







Porks meant to be sh*T for dogs mate, very fat and full of salt as well as all the drugs they get pumped with. Same for us but i still eat bacon n sausage on toast lol I've bought my dogs pigs heads and they wont eat em :no:


Once you get t hem eating cut up rabbit you might be able to get them onto full rabbits which would be easier for your wife even more. I've got three and toss on in on Monday and one on Friday. If we have a good bag then they get the heads and guts and skin. I know in barf all this would be given to dogs but id rather just give them the meat. I feed with fruit and veg too though.


My dogs never have white poo and i would say they get plenty of meat and bones as well as fruit and veg. they have poos with undigested bone in but thats the only white bit in there.

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I once had a viset of the r.s.p.c.a had two young albino jills feed on rabits i had feed them the night befor they came after lamping they came about 12oclock dinner time the next day and gave me a worning fof leaving the rabbits in with the ferrets longer than 3 hours. So i stoped feeding them rabbits .[bANNED TEXT] they got old enoth to work they would not tuch a rabbit and could even be cept in the same huch as a live one. so i had to give them away to a frend. I now feed my ferrets rabbits again and would not stop for the queen never mind the rspca .As any one else had this problem. the rabbits were in. the huch for about 10 hours all to gether.

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