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Anyone Using Air Pistols For Hunting

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Hi everyone I was wondering if anyone knows of a good air pistol for small game hunting I was thinking about one because or small game season runs through the big game season so I could be ready for anything going by with out making enough noise to scare away the big game

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What are the power level restrictions like for air pistols in your neck of the woods?


We're limited to 6ftlb so, most people over here use them for target sports only.


Generally, airgun hunting in the uk is done with a rifle.


For close range hunting, I'd be tempted to go for a rifle (for the greater power level) and a low mag scope. Or a catty and a shit load of practice.


Sorry, I know it doesn't answer your question but, I reckon you may get a more suitable answer locally.


Good luck & atb

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Yeah I have looked at that one it looks like it might be on the bigger size I was looking for something that could be on my belt or in a bag were I could have it out of the way but get to it pretty quickly if there is one in that size

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Well the reason I was thinking about a air pistol was I was thinking it would be quieter than a 22 and far as range my grandfather Used to kill rabbits with a 22 automatic pistol out to 20 or 25 yard's but I just found out if you get one with a suppress you can use it for hunting

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when we first got permission at my work you could drive round and there where groups of rabbits sitting roadside and they where that close you struggled to shoot them with a air rifle , so my shooting partner comes out with the bright idea we will get a air pistol drive up and bag them it never took off dont know what the air pistol was but it was like you could actually see the pellet leave the gun it scared the rabbits no killing them . We settled on the guy in the passenger seat shooting the air rifle out the drivers window it went well till i shot the drivers wing mirror twice in one bloody night , no we just angle the car for the passenger to shoot out his window . that my attempt at using air pistols there crap no fit for the job i wanted anyway

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