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Joshua V Klitschko

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Wasn't aware of that at all lol I doubt there's a three million fight out there for Briggs but these days who knows, nothing suprises me when it comes too boxing,look at foremans comeback, I would of liked to have seen Haye vs Briggs meself, but it's not to be


How do you see the AJ v Klitscho going?

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What Joshua is proving is what a lot of fighters talk about but dont actually do......he is doing the good old fashioned thing in boxing of letting his fists do the talking by not bashing around idiot

God I hate it when folk put "FACT" at the end of a sentence ....because it fecking ain't a fact,,,

Headliner worst fight of the night lol

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It's the inactivity that writes Haye off for me personally, but as has been said if the skills are still there he will test AJ but even at his peak I don't think he would of beaten AJ as he stands now think he simply too big and too strong and schooled too well in the basics for Haye, who was fine when the going was all his way but fell short when it wasn't

His last comeback against fury he made all the right noises but I honestly think his arse went when it was right in front of him this third coming has been pathetic two duck eggs dodging Briggs and now fighting bellew instead of concentrating on his goal he sidelined for easy lower lol I'd love too see bellew put an end too it myself lol

Klitscho a much better test for AJ imho than anyone else currently as I think he gunna end up ko'd or Tko ? Wilder Parker go the same way imho, my prediction AJ will quit unbeaten unified champ

Jesus sounds like only kryptonite will defeat AJ.. I like your optimism but I just don't see it being that plain sailing tbh...I'm not a hater I like the lad I'm just trying to keep it real he's entering world level now he won't get away with just bum rushing his next few opponents... I hope he beats klit but it's hard to make a prediction with klit not doing anything for a while then after that you got Haye Parker ortiz and Wilder and a whyte rematch and let's not forget fury if he makes it back and price as a outside wildcard all more than capable of causing a upset to AJs reign... Whatever hopefully some good fights to come :thumbs:
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No body on here knows what AJ can do as he has never really been tested in the ring ....and no body knows if Haye is any where near as good as he was ...has the makings of a good fight as styles make fights.... imo why should Haye get the fight surely after taking the Bellow fight surely he is behind Wylder, Ortiz ,and Parker ...but saying that if Haye is as good as he was he will be the one to give AJ the test ...Lets hope 2017 some of these top name actually fight each other ...

David Haye won't do jack shit, he talks a good game that man that's all. He's been dodging fights now for over 5 year......

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Going off Ortiz last few fights he gets beat easy

Are you sure? Whyte rocked AJ but couldent Allan.... ortiz did :hmm:
im pretty sure ???
Some say that the Cuban fighters are lazy I wouldent say lazy but they do like to do just enough . The problem with doing just enough against a poor opponent is you look poor yourself but I believe ortiz will rise to whoever's infront of him check out the Ortiz v Jennings fight its a good fight :thumbs: and remember this is will be the fight of Ortiz life I'd say its make or break for ortiz this is the reason he escaped Cuba to become heavy weight champion of the world if you think Ortiz will be a walk through for AJ presuming he beats klit first of coarse well I think your in for a shock lol
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Going off Ortiz last few fights he gets beat easy

Are you sure? Whyte rocked AJ but couldent Allan.... ortiz did :hmm:
Probably the worst saying in boxing......so and so beat so and so which means so and so should win.
I agree lol nearly as bad as he will walk it. Lol
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