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Tune Up Gone Wrong

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Not getting at you bud but you have just put a new kit in her


so nothing will be the same as it was before you may have more power than before and as mc,hull has say,d it will need to bed in it will be erratic at first pushing more power out at times and less at other times this will afect the poi until it settles its self down and all is running smooth again .


my last one had a v,mach kit fitted and i had to put well over two tins of pellets through her over 1000 pellets


boy was i sick of shooting her lol


atvbmac :thumbs: :thumbs: :thumbs:

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Hi Meg.

Don't give it up on it mate. I stripped my TX over 20 times before I got it how I wanted it.

Have you had it over a chrono yet?

How tight is the piston washer in the piston?

Did you check that all parts move freely together before reassembly?


Proper second this. My god my 98... Stripped it more times you wouldn't believe. But every time, a learning curve. My 97 now, was low powered back in the day, then high powered, then low powered. Then, bang on, and bang on, every strip down now is put tog there with the same FPS as previous and only from learning from the previous builds and such would it be.


Just re build it mate. Why not... Then re build it again.

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Just got back from playing around with the gun, putting some more pellets though it after about 50 pellets still running out about 2in it just started shooting straight I'm now hitting acorns of a gate post 40 metres away, what a relief, it just needed settling in just like you advised cheers lad's

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I bought a brand new Gamo Stutzen from JSR before the VCR bill, It was shocking out of the box, Dieselling and power/accuracy all over the place, After a 500 tin of pellets went through, It settled down beautifully!!

May need running in as it's been stripped :thumbs:



John :bye:

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I bought a brand new Gamo Stutzen from JSR before the VCR bill, It was shocking out of the box, Dieselling and power/accuracy all over the place, After a 500 tin of pellets went through, It settled down beautifully!!


May need running in as it's been stripped :thumbs:



John :bye:

A Stutzen. Jesus. Basically a fine piece of furniture with a bit of metal.

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I bought a brand new Gamo Stutzen from JSR before the VCR bill, It was shocking out of the box, Dieselling and power/accuracy all over the place, After a 500 tin of pellets went through, It settled down beautifully!!


May need running in as it's been stripped :thumbs:



John :bye:

A Stutzen. Jesus. Basically a fine piece of furniture with a bit of metal.


I had the money save up for a nice old Airsporter Stutzen but none were turning up! JS Ramsbottoms had a batch of the Gamo ones delivered so I bought one, The very next day after I placed the order, A mint unfired and boxed Airsporter Stuttie came up for sale on British Blades for £250 :censored::censored::censored::censored:



John :cry:

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