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John Macnab Challenge

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Had a Mcdonalds ready meal, Kentucky fried chicken and a domino's pizza all in the same day. Does that count???????

I think it was MIK on this site,,,that said there was a Royal macnab,,,wich I liked the sound of,,,,there was a 4 th on the list,,after the salmon ,,grouse ,,and stag,,,and that involved bedding the l

In my younger days where ever I went the lurcher went with me. One evening I went for a flight on ducks on the river Cothie I got there early so got the fly rod out of the moggie 1000 van I had at the




That's the toffs macnab, read that book years ago an me an my mate been trying our own macnab since with the dogs , rabbit , hare, fox , an roe in 24 hours , haha anyone ever done it ?

done it several times, right place and it's easy

yeah it's easy at night,got to be daytime though and the hare given fair law,

Done it several times day n night allways wanted to get a muntjac roe and fallow been very close to doing it aswell getting 2 out of 3 in the bag but never quite managing it.

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All this talk of Macnab I think I will have to invent the Midlands Macnab which I am now declaring to be fallow buck, a brace of English partridge and a brown trout. All have to be truly wild too. Might have to be a team effort because I've no interest in fly fishing, lol, but I have access to all three so be a shame not to...


I reckon out at the crack of sparra fart for the buck, then straight on the river for the browny after breakfast, then that'll give you most of the day to walk stubbles and set-a-side for the brace of English and if you didn't manage the buck in the morning you'll get a second stab at him in the evening?

Edited by Born Hunter
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I think it was MIK on this site,,,that said there was a Royal macnab,,,wich I liked the sound of,,,,there was a 4 th on the list,,after the salmon ,,grouse ,,and stag,,,and that involved bedding the land owners wife,,,

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Never been one for fox with the dogs,,,but had a good few mixed bags,,, rabbit ,,hare,,roe,,muntie,,,ect all in the daytime...


Shot a few mixed bags over the years to,,,rabbit ,,hare,,pheasant,,partridge ,,mallard,,all in a morning

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There are some Brown Hares in the North Tomo and it's legal to course them with Lurchers too.

But our Irish Hare is a sub species of the Blue Hare and there's no true Blue Hares on the isle of Ireland.

Mind you, the ferry trip from N.I. to Scotland only takes a couple of hours so if some wanted to be there done that and get that T- Shirt it is possible, LOL.

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My biggest regret was giving a lurcher dog away back in the seventies. It was a really useless worker but a really calm, loyal pet. I was Mr macho in those days, or thought I was, and I wanted a dog that I could feel proud of and show off to my mates with regard to its working abilities. Arsehole, I really liked the dog and should have kept it.

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That's the toffs macnab, read that book years ago an me an my mate been trying our own macnab since with the dogs , rabbit , hare, fox , an roe in 24 hours , haha anyone ever done it ?

done it several times, right place and it's easy

yeah it's easy at night,got to be daytime though and the hare given fair law,
I never said night time but I don't think it's a particularly hard task down here
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