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If it's going to be covered have a look round for a local company

That supply's or removes commercial fridges

They usually scrap the tin outer but the hard foam insulation comes in big

Pieces and it's easy to shape and usually free

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Dogs will rip kingspan to bits in minutes you will need to cover it...as above ply will do the job or maybe tack on sheets of that PVC cladding they use in industrial kitchens...easy to clean and hard wearing...dont think you will have to insulate the whole box for a yorkshire winter...we used just a 4inch thick sheet of Jablite polystyrene insulation under the floor of the kennel box...kept em toastie enough

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If you line the inside of your kennels with Kingspan you definetly need to line it out with something to stop the dogs ripping it to bits. All my kennels are lined with 2" Kingspan and lined with ply.I had just finished the last kennel and ran out of 12mm ply to cover one inside part of the kennel and thought it would be ok till the next day when I had got some more ply,next morning kingspan all over the run and blowing about back garden,what a mess .

Edited by MickC
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