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Syria, Who's Right And Who's Wrong?

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personally I think the west is arming every raving looney in the desert to overthrow Assad without getting there hands dirty, and Russia are helping an elected leader as written in most of the war law

The Middle East has thousands of years of tribal and family allegiances. Through marriage , political or military superiority. it is the way of the Society. The low levels of Education in Saudia one

The middle east is a bloody complicated place. Yes, to the outsider, the people are basic and simple but, they operate on a system of morals and honour that has become alien to us now.   Of course

Why is it that we spend our tax payers money defending the same people who fund radical Islam and terrorists? Why should we care what happens in the Middle East? Phillip Hammond was gifted a very expensive watch by a Saudi Prince after he sold high tech weapons to Saudi and also sent military advisors and intelligence officers to help them target rebels in Yemen.



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I would like to add the wildcard in the game now president elect Trump. I think that's what you ment or a part of interesting times ahead.


Yep I'm curious to see what he does, he has had strong words to say about both Iran and Saudi and supports the frackers and pipelines

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Southfront almost certainly has contacts with the Russian military, their intelligence reports are usually 100% accurate but when they do 'opinion pieces' in my opinion these are messages being sent out to the observers of this war (not the MSM who ignore this site).


This one is interesting, there is zero chance that the CIA/Saudi intelligence officers etc will ever be captured in my opinion but they're sending a signal...call it quits or we will expose you...



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Are you saying it's over because of what's happening on the ground and that's what your maps looks like?


The Jihadis have been encircled for weeks now, no resupply or reinforcements and massive bombing raids carried out by the Russians.


Kerry is trying to negotiate the release of the remaining terrorists but I think the Russians have had enough now so are just pulverising them

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The new Defense Secretary of the US



He sounds like a very intelligent and measured man.



and in true form the MSM call him names and make out he is a mad man.


This is a guy who has obviously seen combat, maybe if we had more people like that in government they'd be less quick to send troops in to impossible situations with stupid ROIs

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