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Syria, Who's Right And Who's Wrong?

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personally I think the west is arming every raving looney in the desert to overthrow Assad without getting there hands dirty, and Russia are helping an elected leader as written in most of the war law

The Middle East has thousands of years of tribal and family allegiances. Through marriage , political or military superiority. it is the way of the Society. The low levels of Education in Saudia one

The middle east is a bloody complicated place. Yes, to the outsider, the people are basic and simple but, they operate on a system of morals and honour that has become alien to us now.   Of course

Learning from our mistakes? It's not even over yet but the Russians are sending Muslim Chechen 'military police' They look more like special forces hard b*****ds to me lol but this is how the Russians operate....experts in this day of information warfarfe. Also proof that you can have a Christian country with Muslims living side by side....just not the Clinton/Obama/May/Bliar loving Wahhabists of Saudi Arabia



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There's a good chance some of them would've faced a ukrop nazi battalion in the Donbass like Azov, as there was a Chechen battalion and a lot volunteers helping the pro-Russian side.


I doubt many ukrops survived to tell the tail lol

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Russia bombed the shit out of ISIS at Palmyra. There are reports ISIS have pulled back :)


Yet the MSM were going crazy today (BBC included) about ISIS capturing Palmyra.....f**king jokers


I'm sure the military guys here understand more than me but it's a fairly obviously way to pull off support (especially air support) from the Aleppo attack which is going very smoothly.


Up to now this is the best analysis



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The big question is....


IF ISIS is just a terrorist organisation that just sprang out of nowhere using 'captured weapons' how the hell is it still so effective after 1 1/2 years of constant fighting? Where is it's ammo and logistics coming from? ISIS territory is landlocked!


Anyone who has been in the army will know that the logistics required to keep a fighting force of 30-50k of soldiers will be huge even if they're 'irregular'

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2nd or third attack today...looks like they are capturing Palmyra....crazy


With all the drones, aircraft and satellites watching it's hard to believe no one could see this coming. RT claim it's 4000 ISIS fighters but who knows if that is true

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The big question is....


IF ISIS is just a terrorist organisation that just sprang out of nowhere using 'captured weapons' how the hell is it still so effective after 1 1/2 years of constant fighting? Where is it's ammo and logistics coming from? ISIS territory is landlocked!


Anyone who has been in the army will know that the logistics required to keep a fighting force of 30-50k of soldiers will be huge even if they're 'irregular'

bet your life the saudis are funding it money makes things happen!!!

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The big question is....


IF ISIS is just a terrorist organisation that just sprang out of nowhere using 'captured weapons' how the hell is it still so effective after 1 1/2 years of constant fighting? Where is it's ammo and logistics coming from? ISIS territory is landlocked!


Anyone who has been in the army will know that the logistics required to keep a fighting force of 30-50k of soldiers will be huge even if they're 'irregular'


Via Turkey in exchange for oil?

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The big question is....


IF ISIS is just a terrorist organisation that just sprang out of nowhere using 'captured weapons' how the hell is it still so effective after 1 1/2 years of constant fighting? Where is it's ammo and logistics coming from? ISIS territory is landlocked!


Anyone who has been in the army will know that the logistics required to keep a fighting force of 30-50k of soldiers will be huge even if they're 'irregular'

bet your life the saudis are funding it money makes things happen!!!

Our loyal allies the Saudis would never do such a thing! It's not like they've got form for funding terrorists or anything...

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