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Syria, Who's Right And Who's Wrong?

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personally I think the west is arming every raving looney in the desert to overthrow Assad without getting there hands dirty, and Russia are helping an elected leader as written in most of the war law

The Middle East has thousands of years of tribal and family allegiances. Through marriage , political or military superiority. it is the way of the Society. The low levels of Education in Saudia one

The middle east is a bloody complicated place. Yes, to the outsider, the people are basic and simple but, they operate on a system of morals and honour that has become alien to us now.   Of course



That's the thing scothunter there's so many bogus refugees that people lose sympathy and when they are travelling through a dozen countries to get to a place of their choice it makes the genuine cases that we SHOULD be helping pushed further back when they should be first and everything possible done to keep them safe

attachicon.gifimage.jpeg The c**ts are pretending to be kids now wtf At
I would not let my kids step foot in a school where these 25 year old teenagers are being sent and no court in the land would make me either why down they send them to the schools these politicians kids are going to? Oh that's right they go to to 18grqnd a year private schools don't they $#@#$#ers

It's been happening in Sweden for a while now, they even have the term 'beard children' it's that common.

These young men have no concept of 'under age' not only that if they do have sex with a 14 year old it won't even be a criminal offence because they are supposed to be under age themselves!

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You need a tin hat to read this forum at times


Utter delusional nonsense on a lot of sides


Can I ask all of you a very very serious question?



Have any of you ever been to the Middle East ?


No agenda , no holier than you nonsense , just a straight yes or no answer?

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You need a tin hat to read this forum at times


Utter delusional nonsense on a lot of sides


Can I ask all of you a very very serious question?



Have any of you ever been to the Middle East ?


No agenda , no holier than you nonsense , just a straight yes or no answer?


I hope you are not referring to me :D


I spent 15 years in North Africa and the Middle East, been to Algeria, Libya, Dubai, Abu Dhabi, Qatar, Bahrain, Saudi Arabia and my last job was in Kurdistan which is the boarder region of Turkey, Iraq and Syria....because i'd been to the last place I knew 100% that our MSM was full of sh*t....Gaziantep is one of the most heavily militarised places I've ever seen (even more than parts of Algeria and the oil fields of Saudi), the jihadis that were crossing the boarder had to have flown in via there as does much of the weapons and logistics and there is zero chance the Turkish military didn't know about it and allow it to happen.


Anyway if anything I've said raises questions I'd be happy to show where I found my info....it's not conspiracy websites. Also the reason it because my pet hobby for the last two years is because the drop in oil prices was deliberately manufactured by Saudi Arabia to cripple the Russian economy (for protecting Assad) and to put pressure on the US economy (US Shale oil) to force the US to take action against Assad. Like I say Syria and Yemen is a very big proxy war and everyone is involved to a degree.


p.s I work in the oil industry, I've seen hundreds of thousands of jobs be destroyed, thousands of people lost their homes and had their lives wrecked and that was why I was trying to understand what was going on....it took me here

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You need a tin hat to read this forum at times


Utter delusional nonsense on a lot of sides


Can I ask all of you a very very serious question?



Have any of you ever been to the Middle East ?


No agenda , no holier than you nonsense , just a straight yes or no answer?

I hope you are not referring to me :D


I spent 15 years in North Africa and the Middle East, been to Algeria, Libya, Dubai, Abu Dhabi, Qatar, Bahrain, Saudi Arabia and my last job was in Kurdistan which is the boarder region of Turkey, Iraq and Syria....because i'd been to the last place I knew 100% that our MSM was full of sh*t....Gaziantep is one of the most heavily militarised places I've ever seen (even more than parts of Algeria and the oil fields of Saudi), the jihadis that were crossing the boarder had to have flown in via there as does much of the weapons and logistics and there is zero chance the Turkish military didn't know about it and allow it to happen.


Anyway if anything I've said raises questions I'd be happy to show where I found my info....it's not conspiracy websites. Also the reason it because my pet hobby for the last two years is because the drop in oil prices was deliberately manufactured by Saudi Arabia to cripple the Russian economy (for protecting Assad) and to put pressure on the US economy (US Shale oil) to force the US to take action against Assad. Like I say Syria and Yemen is a very big proxy war and everyone is involved to a degree.


p.s I work in the oil industry, I've seen hundreds of thousands of jobs be destroyed, thousands of people lost their homes and had their lives wrecked and that was why I was trying to understand what was going on....it took me here

Are you happy with that response Meister stiff?
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