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One Of Those Days

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What a sh1t day today was, you probably have all had them, set of this morning to do a rat job that was booked in since Friday,for a company that sells loads of walking gear, stuff you wouldn't give a second look at for what we do, anyhow i lands up in the village where the famous brand has one of its shops, and gives them a ring to find out exactly where they are as they have not had the premises very long, ohh the man on the phone says i will have to get the manager, oh thinks i, this doesn't sound good, on comes the manager and says, " did you not get my message? no says i , i left you a message he says to say not to bother coming as head office had sent out someone from Salford .

Oh great, you plan your day on jobs booked in and some twat throws a spanner in the works, fck Regatta.

When i got home from doing a couple of other jobs i checked the landline and the message on there from them was 10 mins after i had rang them on my mobile in the morning.


Last job of the day, i called in at a smallholding that is on contract to check up if there was any problems, i checked the bait stations and they were all full of fresh bait, not put there by me, i went to see the owner and asked her what was going on, she said she got the helper to fill them all up, and that she had bought 2 ten kilo buckets from a farm supply's, i told that it was wrong for them to sell her them without proof of compitance and that it was illegal for her helper to put the bait out.

I was checking more stations when the helper landed up and he told me he had chucked loads of bait behind the shed, some people have no idea and when i asked him what would happen if [WHEN] the song birds eat it or someones dog eats it ?, he just said i never thought about that.

This farm suppliers has been selling rodent bait and herbicide sprays to loads of people without asking for certification, it pisses me off that as professionals we have to jump through hoops to keep things legal and these lot keep supplying the very idiots that all the new regs where brought in to stop.

The farm suppliers goes by the name of one of those little big handed furry things that leaves soil all over the place, i have been on to there head office and spoke to customer services, they said that none of there stores would supply any rodenticide or herbicide without seeing the [BANNED TEXT] paperwork, i told them that i now have copies of the invoice for them, now they are going to do something about it.

I will not hold my breath


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Still happening close to me as well , the very same company as you mentioned have been selling buckets of it to anyone that asks with free bait stations thrown in , I asked what that was all about , the girl behind the counter said ,"sales have dropped , so where trying to sell more of it," what the Fukc , she was oblivious that anything was wrong with what they where doing.

It's not just them , so far I've either seen professional labelled rodenticide being sold to anyone who asks for it , one dear little old lady , I can only assume she was not trained or on two occasions I've come across gardener/handymen who are still buying it.


Surely someone must be policing this since the label change ??????????????

Edited by Rowan
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Is that not what Rodenticide is for then , surely it's meant to be just thrown around in a broadcast fashion in a vain hope it may kill anything.


I've got two cluster fly jobs to do this week , maybe I should try just chucking Brodifacoum around in the lofts , worth ago !!!!!!





NOT !!!!!!

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