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Well I'm thinking of getting a puppy ready for next season I'm thinking saluki collie grey maybe little bully friends say no to collie as there known for jacking Ido mainly lamping and s little bit of day what's everyone view on this Cross and experiences

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Depends on the size of ground you run and the ground it's self. As for collie jacking total bull shit brother got a collie grey 9 years old and it's still running and taking game regularly. Don't matter the breed mate dogs got it in it or it hasn't simple.

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DSCF4143.JPG Litter mates 22" and 26" I run these on every type of ground, big land and small land perfect all rounders, collie whippet greyhounds, mark walls and sets, hare shot and retrieved, can't beat a bit of collie ran them for over 20 year

Really like the stamp of them dogs mate that bitch looks she has plenty gears and wind credit fella

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