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Loosing Heart/ Change Of Direction

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Those of you that have a lot of perms will know where im coming from with this post


what with them phoning and asking you to go and take care of the rabbits and other stuff


it soon feels like a job and not a sport any more and i was thinking of jacking it all in and selling up the lot all of my gear


Jeff (JJM) came to day to pick up the t67 and another t20 red beam lamp some pellets and a game bag i show,d him the hw100s 22 and he fell for it so we made a deal with his pro sport

and some wonga for the hw100s full kit .


Now as you all know iv been away from spring rifle shooting for some time as its easier to take the pcp along for the vermin on the perms plus iv not had much practice of late with the springers what with the perms on the phone asking me to go like i say,d feels like a job and not a sport .


No time to even go to the range and practice with ether pcp or spring so the deal was done


im off to pick the pro sport up tonight ,,jeff has the hw100s now i thought i would be gutted but im not was more gutted when the old raider went and as iv still got the bairns hw100s carbine to fall back on im well happy .


I was loosing heart in it all but some times its just a change of direction thats needed back to the basics shooting with a springer


its been that long i hope i can still shoot one lol


atvbmac :thumbs: :thumbs: :thumbs:



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Those of you that have a lot of perms will know where im coming from with this post   what with them phoning and asking you to go and take care of the rabbits and other stuff   it soon feels like

Ha, I've been feeling exactly the same lately Mac........ I've been getting very bored with my HW100 over the last couple of months. It's a fantastic tool and, I really have tried to like it but, any

Hi Mac, I`ve just got the news that the old FWB Sport 127 mk1 is mine come Tuesday 11am. Is there something in the air lads ? I have gone back to my youth buying the mk1

Ha, I've been feeling exactly the same lately Mac........ I've been getting very bored with my HW100 over the last couple of months. It's a fantastic tool and, I really have tried to like it but, any time I go to the range, it's always the springers that I want to use.


I took the HW100 out for a few hours last night and, I just didn't want to use it.


So, I took it to the rfd today and came home with 2 other rifles and some extra kit - I'll do another thread about that later.


Good on ya Mac - be happy :thumbs:


Atb mate

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  On 07/10/2016 at 15:33, Jonjon79 said:

Ha, I've been feeling exactly the same lately Mac........ I've been getting very bored with my HW100 over the last couple of months. It's a fantastic tool and, I really have tried to like it but, any time I go to the range, it's always the springers that I want to use.


I took the HW100 out for a few hours last night and, I just didn't want to use it.


So, I took it to the rfd today and came home with 2 other rifles and some extra kit - I'll do another thread about that later.


Good on ya Mac - be happy :thumbs:


Atb mate

The thing is with the hw100 of any format is its to clinical in its operation the thing can just about shoot its self


that it takes the fun away from shooting and the skill


Now with a spring rifle they keep you on your toes as when you think you have master,d them they have a habit of biting back just to let you know who is the boss lol


just seen your other post and you have two nice rifles there


now iv still got the hw100s carbine but as its half mine and the bairns its not going any where as iv been told off little hunter lol


atvbmac :thumbs: :thumbs: :thumbs:

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  On 07/10/2016 at 16:14, bigmac 97kt said:


  On 07/10/2016 at 15:33, Jonjon79 said:


Ha, I've been feeling exactly the same lately Mac........ I've been getting very bored with my HW100 over the last couple of months. It's a fantastic tool and, I really have tried to like it but, any time I go to the range, it's always the springers that I want to use.


I took the HW100 out for a few hours last night and, I just didn't want to use it.


So, I took it to the rfd today and came home with 2 other rifles and some extra kit - I'll do another thread about that later.


Good on ya Mac - be happy :thumbs:


Atb mate

The thing is with the hw100 of any format is its to clinical in its operation the thing can just about shoot its self


that it takes the fun away from shooting and the skill


Now with a spring rifle they keep you on your toes as when you think you have master,d them they have a habit of biting back just to let you know who is the boss lol


just seen your other post and you have two nice rifles there


now iv still got the hw100s carbine but as its half mine and the bairns its not going any where as iv been told off little hunter lol


atvbmac :thumbs: :thumbs: :thumbs:

Cheers Mac - I'm really looking forward to trying them both out.


I've been shooting for a lot less time than most on here but, you're absolutely spot on about springers. I think that's where their charm comes from - that simple spring in a tube takes some real thought and practice to get right. It forces you to evaluate your own technique. But when you get it right, it's so much more satisfying :thumbs:

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I'm with you boys on this one!!

thought i was going to get lynched when i said the 100's weren't the be all and end all....

I've been home about half an hour and put a new £50 hawke on the 100 .22 I've not used it for months !!

3 shots and it was on zero- 1md h/u at 20m... put two mags trough the same hole and was board,, its just sterile:(

been in a bit of sh!t with work and stuff over the last few weeks and been thinking about getting rid and the last half hour has just put ze nail in the coffin

of the 100!!

it is to be replaced with a hw 95k :thumbs:

not had a butchers at your post yet jon but I'm on it :thumbs:

good luck lads i hope the new toys restore your faith.... and tell them your busy jimmy

atb si

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One has to work through it mac, hopefully something comes along to bring us back onto our road. The good thing is that to my mind you took your time to think about it without acting on the spur of the moment. Hope you are back on your road soon mate. Pleasant times.


All the best

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  On 07/10/2016 at 17:59, Stockpot said:

Lads, it must be catching. I've got an AA S510 with a walnut stock, a real beauty to look at. It's phenomenally accurate, but.....shooting it is absolutely soulless!

30 yrs ago we only knew springers, simple, uncomplicated guns with open sights or maybe a cheap scope if you had a bit of birthday money. We killed plenty with them. Over the last few weeks I've thought about chopping the AA in and probably will, simply because shooting it is no fun.


Edited to add that I find the whole divers bottle thing a ball ache. I just want to chuck some pellets in me old cammy jacket and get out round the hedgerows.


don't get rid of the s510... I've got one and its an ace mobile roost wrecker :thumbs:

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I totally understand where you are coming from Jim, as soon as any hobby/sport becomes a chore, it is time to do something about it.

I find that having both shotguns and rifles, I have the ability to switch from one to the other with a blend of clay shooting in the mix.


I also think the HW 100 is a completely boring high precision tool which doesn't give the pleasure I thought it would hence my interest in the FAC Rapid and Wildcat, something a bit different and the HW will go.


More to your point of too much demand on you because of the sheer volume of perms, perhaps, loaning the perms to someone you can trust, that way you have the ability to shoot as and when you want rather than being on call all the time.


Whatever direction you take mate just make sure you don't close the doors and lock them behind you.



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Well, am surprised to hear that, but pleased you feel you made the right decision.


Opposite direction to me though, I moved away from sprinters, but I am in a different boat, my guns are tools, sure I love shooting, it's a passion, not a hobby, but for me I want to know when I point and squeeze it's gonna be dead.


Best of luck for the future mate, and most of all, enjoy it !

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  On 07/10/2016 at 20:38, Rabid said:

Well, am surprised to hear that, but pleased you feel you made the right decision.


Opposite direction to me though, I moved away from sprinters, but I am in a different boat, my guns are tools, sure I love shooting, it's a passion, not a hobby, but for me I want to know when I point and squeeze it's gonna be dead.


Best of luck for the future mate, and most of all, enjoy it !

What did you end up buying rabid, brocock or an ultra, or something else?

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  On 08/10/2016 at 07:13, shaaark said:


  On 07/10/2016 at 20:38, Rabid said:

Well, am surprised to hear that, but pleased you feel you made the right decision.

Opposite direction to me though, I moved away from sprinters, but I am in a different boat, my guns are tools, sure I love shooting, it's a passion, not a hobby, but for me I want to know when I point and squeeze it's gonna be dead.

Best of luck for the future mate, and most of all, enjoy it !


What did you end up buying rabid, brocock or an ultra, or something else?

Ultra se and a s410 tdr

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Sorry to read what's happening to your feelings about shooting has a job expected of you Jimmy. But you'll be fine with a Pro Sport. One of the best spring rifles of all time in my view :yes:


You'll be fine with it mate .....and don't pressure yourself, to feel obliged to have to go shooting to please anyone. :hmm:

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