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lil bracken.

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bracken is now 2 years old ,her mum was my original ferret in this business,she had a sister called bramble but sadly she got shot by a twat i took shootin over ferrets :censored: ,a practice ille never participate in again! heres apic of her mum scrufty:


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Make it as big as you can with a outside run and a indoor sleeping area.Mine is a old avery with a shed put on the back,have had 13 ferrets in there.Have 8 ferrets at the moment and they love the space,would never go back to hutches.

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ive had a court for years but it needs to be more user freindly!

This is mine,2 doors so they don't break out as i walk in,still the little buggers get in the bucket when cleaning them out,rip open the shavings sack and jump on you off the wire,still is really easy to keep clean and gives the ferrets as much space as they want,i have 3 litter trays down if they left me alone it would only take 5mins to clean out.


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