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Fwb Sport Mk 1 (127) .22 Cal

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Me and vis once put an export spring into a 97s


you realy dont want to know what it was like we did not crono it but lets put it this way


2 sheets of ply


1 wooden shed


1 fence


O,,and what was in the shed


the pellet went strait through all of them :yes: :yes: :yes:


the only thing that stopped it was a brick wall


and the pellet was fired from 30 yrds


so get it on the crono Mark


me and viz just looked at each other then took the spring back out quick smart lol


atvbjimmy :thumbs: :thumbs: :thumbs:

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Just a thought Mark, are you going to try and get hold of old scopes to keep in tune with the period, I bet there a few still kicking around in the back drawers of some RFD's who would love to get rid for a few quid.

I think I would take this route in order to stay true to the era you want to remember. Some of the Simmons scopes are basic but good and still around.


Food for thought sir.



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