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Top Class Terrier!

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I worship the ground this old fart walks on, never told a lie and a pleasure to keep and work. Eleven years old on this dig last year, she's still fit and well and as long as she's willing she'll be

Top class, different people have different standards of class.   Had some great digs/times with this bitch.  

Put them in ,drop one hole,dig them out,that's all I ask of them-im yet to have one that didn't have some sort of fault-punchy with other dogs or shitting in water bowl etc lol.I can get a few digs in

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Best one I had would eat every bit of shite in the yard twice a day,still looking for one to replace him.



Easy enough to replace get yourself down the hardware shop and buy a brush an shovel.


and while he's there he could buy a few dunces hats for the people who don't get the joke.

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For me the perfect working terrier is just been there with his quarry when you get down, and do this all through there working life. That will do me. No more no less I don't no what more people expect from them,to class them better than the other terrier that does the same.

What about the dogs that do all that yet will work rabbit?

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Best one I had would eat every bit of shite in the yard twice a day,still looking for one to replace him.


Easy enough to replace get yourself down the hardware shop and buy a brush an shovel.

and while he's there he could buy a few dunces hats for the people who don't get the joke.


I got the joke i think the hint was when he said twice a day.

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My father told me that he use to break his terriers to rabbits as pup they used to go ferreting and bring a couple live ones back every now and again said that it work a treat

as pups i never ever encouraged them to bush or chase them -lucky theres no rabbits close to where i live and the only holes hold the intended quarry ,have always tried to break my dogs to rabbit,been present when other folk have opened up to their dog chewing one-but touch wood never my own dogs-that's a shooting offence imo.atb dc
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Even when started on bigger game they will still work rabbit if nothing else is about.

I totally disagree.


I bring all my terriers, pups included ,for exercise a few times a week onto land that has plenty of rabbits. The reason I use this land is because I'm 100% certain there's no earths on it.

My terriers regularly see the rabbits, maybe even chase them, and if the terriers don't hunt them in covert then my Springers are anyway and if one breaks covert then the lurcher will chase it.

When out for a dig and one of my terriers goes to ground I can say with 100% confidence that it's not a rabbit it's after. In fact I'd put money on it.

Also, if away from busy roads the terrier I want to work will be loose ,with a collar on, maybe all day unless we get a dig. And that wont be to rabbit.

Anyone who's hunted with me will vouch for this.

A lot of terrier work is reading your terrier like a book. Most lads don't know what they are looking for and those lads who are forever swapping dogs have no chance at all in knowing their terriers inside and out.

BUT, as well as all this IMO a big factor in terriers that like bunnies and those who ignore them is the breeding.

One of the best terriers I've ever dug too (dozens of times) would rabbit and so did some of his sons and daughters.

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