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Top Class Terrier!

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I worship the ground this old fart walks on, never told a lie and a pleasure to keep and work. Eleven years old on this dig last year, she's still fit and well and as long as she's willing she'll be

Top class, different people have different standards of class.   Had some great digs/times with this bitch.  

Put them in ,drop one hole,dig them out,that's all I ask of them-im yet to have one that didn't have some sort of fault-punchy with other dogs or shitting in water bowl etc lol.I can get a few digs in

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We were discussing "Top class terriers", coming back from a days hunting the other day. It was a fair trip but it seemed to fly by with the conversation in question. But I suppose when you put it down in print it does seem an obvious statement! My own dog in question was a mixed breed, worker to worker. The majority of terriers discussed were Tom O'Reillys line of old, some in more recent times & some mixed worker to workers. Plenty of good dogs spring to mind but I was reminded of an older well respected terrierman saying how rare you come by top class dogs in your lifetime. Maybe its too obvious & broad a statement, was just interested in what others might have to say!

Edited by Kaizer Sozĕ
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I can honestly say i haven't every one has had a fault in some way or another and that's me been truthful to myself its easy to kid yourself you have good dogs when in fact there just average


Good working dogs still but could be improved on to get that perfect working terrier.

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For me the perfect working terrier is just been there with his quarry when you get down, and do this all through there working life. That will do me. No more no less I don't no what more people expect from them,to class them better than the other terrier that does the same.

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Put them in ,drop one hole,dig them out,that's all I ask of them-im yet to have one that didn't have some sort of fault-punchy with other dogs or shitting in water bowl etc lol.I can get a few digs in a day to one dog and know if need be they will stay any distance. Puts a smile on my face and makes it worth the feeding. Atb dc

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Every terrier I have/had has been a wanker, I am a magnet for them, won't come back to me when of the lead, chewing boxes, shifting behind the gate so when I open it it goes everywhere to name a few problems lol swear they have been put on this earth to test me, not 1 I have thought, I like u! But again they get me out of the house and have a good day doing what I love,

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  On 06/10/2016 at 10:01, liamdelaney said:

Best one I had would eat every bit of shite in the yard twice a day,still looking for one to replace him.


He sounded double handy Liam. A decent worker and saved you cleaning the kennel too...... :thumbs:

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ive got some good dog in my kennel now but the dog in my avater was a bit special he was mustard to work find anywhere and stay till dug to he was a bit fussy who his friends were hed bite first but he was a good dog and id love another one of him ive got dogs off him but there not as good as he was atb top

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