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Help On New Air Rifle

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Them Prosports are very nice :thumbs:


Air rifles are a funny ol' thing Harry - it's not a 'one size fits all' type thing. Ideally, you need to try a few before you part with your hard earned cash.


For me, the TX200hx in .22 and the HW100ktla in .177 are all I'm ever going to need but, you could end up hating both.

If you're ever down Wiltshire way, give me a shout - you're welcome to come and try these and a couple of others that we have :thumbs:


Either way, good luck with your search and, be careful with the new gun feeling - it's very addictive ;)


Atb mate

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If you can, try to meet up with one of the lads, you are welcome to come over here on the east coast and try a few guns but I think there is someone closer. You could ask at a gun shop to see if there is a range near you as most people will let you try their guns and that way you will get a feel for what suits you and your pocket.


Try before you buy whenever possible, it will save you money and your tears.



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