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Picked up my Ultra SE .177 today along with a de-pinger and Blast tamer (I will pretend I know what the fcuk they are for) god knows how they fit. Comes complete with a BSA scope which is coming off and a bag. Nice little gun which I was able to shoot before buying so we will see how we get on with a 'little gun', must say it feels good in the shoulder.







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Just need to sort out a scope because I don't like the BSA one that is on it. Big question is, my wife thinks it is just right which of course means that I may not be in control of it for too long so do I want to put on a better scope and then she likes that as well, you can I am sure see where this is going.....................................ah well we will just have to wait and see.


What pellets suit the Ultra guy and save me a bit of time.



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Try Uttings (£170'ish delivered) I have had most of the Hawke range and Mtc's and the Nikon in terms of glass quality is light years ahead but does not come with a fancy ret.


If you just want a basic 3-9x40 with front pa but good glass in low light the Nikon for the cash can be hard to be beat.


Also look at some of the Bushnell legend ultra HD range.


I find on my shoot the rabbits love to come out just as the light is failing and the Nikon/Bushnell's have kept going just that bit longer when the Hawkes/mtc's had given up.

Edited by Gary73
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To be truthful, I would not buy any scope without looking through it first. With these aging eyes it is important to establish what works for the individual because the number of times I have seen posts on various forums where one guy says scope x is great and another says how crap they are but scope z is tons better etc etc.


I am a BIG believer in supporting local dealers of which I have a couple and one of them will supply me with a scope that suits me, we need to support local or we won't have any. One of those dealers has a s/h mamba which may be where I finish. I have my FAC ticket due at the end of the month winch in turn means I can pick up the Rapid 28fpe that is being held for me the past few months at one of those dealers which has to be paid for and again another scope is needed. That is two rifles and two scopes in the space of a month so I cannot be spending too much on scopes at this stage.


I am prepared to buy s/h for both guns providing they meet my needs, they can always be upgraded, not forgetting that next year a Wildcat will be living in my cupboard along with yet another scope.,..................then I will stop................perhaps. You can see I have to make my pennies go a long way, that god state pension kicks in January.



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