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Kim Kardashian Robbed........

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best kardashian story i read was that one of them wore the heavy metal band slayers t shirts before and the picture was everywhere




Now obviously slayer as a band wasnt very impressed with having their t shirt being worn by a kardashian , especially a karashian who had previusly tweeted this





The week after the guitarist for slayer did this during their gigs





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From what I've seen her backdoor is not impenetrable ????

best kardashian story i read was that one of them wore the heavy metal band slayers t shirts before and the picture was everywhere     Now obviously slayer as a band wasnt very impressed with hav

I agree.... somewhat. She has been the victim of a crime, and no-one deserves that, BUT she has set out to draw attention to herself, to her whereabouts, to her frivolous activities and to her ostent

Stupid jumped up bitch married to a jumped up f***ing nob constantly flaunting what they have and how perfect there life is

Serves them selfs right f**k em lol

she tweeted a pic of her.diamond ring recently,so yeah f**k her lol
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This threads a joke. Folk sayin she deserves it and f**k em. Just because she rich she done what she had to do to get where she is just like everybody else. The folk that robbed her are dirty b*****ds no different from taking a pensioners life savings or folk stealing dogs that folk have raised and tell everybody how good they are etc

I agree.... somewhat. She has been the victim of a crime, and no-one deserves that, BUT she has set out to draw attention to herself, to her whereabouts, to her frivolous activities and to her ostentatious displays of wealth, and someone was almost bound to take advantage of that. If you set out to draw attention to yourself, some of that attention will be unwanted. Her security people have clearly been found wanting, too ! That's not to excuse to crime, mind you.......

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This threads a joke. Folk sayin she deserves it and f**k em. Just because she rich she done what she had to do to get where she is just like everybody else. The folk that robbed her are dirty b*****ds no different from taking a pensioners life savings or folk stealing dogs that folk have raised and tell everybody how good they are etc

I agree.... somewhat. She has been the victim of a crime, and no-one deserves that, BUT she has set out to draw attention to herself, to her whereabouts, to her frivolous activities and to her ostentatious displays of wealth, and someone was almost bound to take advantage of that. If you set out to draw attention to yourself, some of that attention will be unwanted. Her security people have clearly been found wanting, too ! That's not to excuse to crime, mind you.......
I've had a little think, and I've changed my stance -and I don't do that very often !


If this was a little old lady tied up at gunpoint and robbed, we'd be baying for their blood ! The fact that she is wealthy in no way excuses this.

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There $53 million in debt so what she doing walking round with a 4 million ring anyway? Add to that the message that such conspicuous consumption sends to kids who have fek all ....they are everything that's wrong in in the world imo...if she got robbed genuinely then I'm glad and if there trying to pull a fast one I hope they get caught and become prisons bitches.



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i dont watch telly, i dont see the news, just read an online paper, & its full of this shite lol


Dunno who he is, never heard any of his 'records', but did see a clip of him walking into a lampost somewhere LOL


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i dont watch telly, i dont see the news, just read an online paper, & its full of this shite lol


Dunno who he is, never heard any of his 'records', but did see a clip of him walking into a lampost somewhere LOL


I also think they was the inspiration for this couple

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