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Did Anyone Of You Terrier Men Know This Man

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Toddy Even my Grandad & bruce wouldn't deal with him, unless they had steel toe caps on!

Blimey   Just seen this thread and what memories it brought back . I was digging with Bruce way back in the eighties along with Tommy Meaney  and one or two who are still living so I wont name . I'm s

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On 02/10/2016 at 23:27, buffalobill76 said:

Did any of u terrier men know the late Bruce woodcock the man who owned toddy Nancy and Betsy and other great terriers also a great lurcher man who won the calendar coursing club trophy with his coursing dogs his well known dog called max he passed away yes ago just like to see if anyone knew him

Did you know, Bruce?

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On 02/10/2016 at 23:45, bobby2 said:
On 02/10/2016 at 23:27, buffalobill76 said:

Did any of u terrier men know the late Bruce woodcock the man who owned toddy Nancy and Betsy and other great terriers also a great lurcher man who won the calendar coursing club trophy with his coursing dogs his well known dog called max he passed away yes ago just like to see if anyone knew him

I new the man he was classed as a legend in both codes of the dogs I seen is stuff work both terriers and lurches the man new is stuff that's for sure wish he's was still here I've pecked his head a Good few time over the years i ain't or herd of a bad word ever said about the man come lads some you old boys must no him or herd of him it Bruce or Brian woodcock some lads I've only put his name up as the man is no longer with us now and he's dug and coursed with some of the best there's been

How did you know Bruce, Bobby?

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I first heard about this fella in the late eighties another fella I knew use to go coursing (forley cup) with him, it's a shame nothing about him was written in a book there's plenty who ended up in books who know nothing of terriers, I'm sure a young black bitch of mine ended up with him I was told she was no good  I didn't question his word haha.

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On 15/10/2019 at 11:32, unclebuck said:

How did you know Bruce, Bobby?

I mew him through the dogs aswel as your grandad pete I worked with ya grandad on the bins new him well  and bruce  live in the same town as you if you still live were they did I've got bullcrosses lurchers now 

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  • 2 weeks later...

   Blimey   Just seen this thread and what memories it brought back . I was digging with Bruce way back in the eighties along with Tommy Meaney  and one or two who are still living so I wont name . I'm sure somebody mentioned at one point that Nancy was stolen in 1982 but that wasnt the case  Bruce was still working both nancy and toddy  later than that . We were out most weekends although those dogs werent always with us both being hard types and sometimes not fit for work for a while after hard encounters . Bruce  ( Brian)  was a  quiet mild mannered man who knew his game inside out .... never one for bad mouthing I had a lot of respect for the man and have the same for his memory ............. Tommy was not so quiet ha .... nevertheless a good bloke and we all had some great times  ...  I was a lot younger than them and both taught me a great deal .... good laughs  good digs with good dogs and good men    I wish I could turn the clock back and do it all again for sure .

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             Just as a matter of interest although his name was Brian woodcock everybody called him Bruce  which I once asked him about ..... he said it came about because there was an old timer boxer called Bruce Woodcock   very famous  way back in the 20's I think   and somehow because of his second name somebody called Brian  Bruce and it stuck . I dont think he ever boxed though not that I'm aware of anyway but I could stand to be corrected on that since he was past boxing age by the time I started doing a bit with him.

  On a slightly different note  I have scrolled through a few threads here on the working terrier part of the site and am pretty surprised at some of what is written .   People writing about others claiming to have known earth dogs which consistently killed badgers !  Respectfully I suggest those people have never actually worked earth dogs to heavy quarry . There are many dogs which routinely kill foxes thats true ........... two very good examples being Nancy and Toddy referred to in my previous post ..... the majority of foxes they could get to were dead by the time we dug to them but of course they were both big built and so we did take a number alive which were squeezed up tight . on the other hand they did not kill adult  badgers below ground   and neither does any other terrier . Occasionally a dig would be to a dead one but invariably in soft ground and the animal had dug in and suffocated itself. A badger presented with a threat by a terrier lowers its head effectively tucking it between its front paws thus presenting the crown of its head and its upper neck to the dog . Anyone who has seen a badger skull will know exactly why . Its because the animal has a thick ridge of bone running olong the crown of the skull making it effectively impervious to bites there . Additionally a badger can roll around through 180 degrees plus in its own skin thus a dog grabbing it by the upper neck skin finds the animal twists and strikes at the lower jaw /throat region of the dog from below . Its exactly why a badger is not "scruffed" like a fox but tailed . If you scruffed it you would be badly bitten as it twisted in its loose skin as described.  if anybody tells you they have  or had  an earth dog which regularly kills badgers they are a liar pure and simple.

    Just to clarify all the above is either experienced gained  pre badger act  or if referring to people/dogs/digs after the time it was legal is pure fantasy and speculation  ? .

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12 minutes ago, baker boy said:

Ive never read on here anyone claiming to have known consistant badger killing terriers, I must have missed the threads

   You are quite right I'm an old timer and must be mis reading . When people refer to "gear" they must mean foxes . I hold my hands up I'm from back in the old days when foxes were considered far less of a test for a working terrier than a badger   ..... times were different then .... dog men hadn't been robbed of their sport with a raft of laws making it a bigger crime to step out with a terrier and spade than it is to beat and rob an old lady  . My mistake I apologise

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