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Hey everyone. Having an issue with my air rifle. I decided to see why I'm missing some targets, so set up a cardboard target on some plastic and shot. The first shot went straight through the middle. I reloaded, aimed and shot again. Same spot I was aiming at but the pellet ended up quite a bit below the target onto the plastic.

Anyone have any ideas to why? Thank you

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Right Jemma what rifle is it that you have


spring or pcp


If its a pcp when you fill it ,,,say to 200 bar it will be past its sweet spot


this is where the pcp rifle will be more accurate when the fill pressure has fallen to say 180 bar


Now what scopes have you on it or is it open sites (no scopes needed)


If its a spring rifle most of it is in the holding of the rifle


dont hold it to tight it needs to recoil through your hand so it dose not jump when fired


now pellets what pellets are you using and what grain are they


cheep pellets are no good you only get what you pay for and some of the lead they use is crap


Is the rifle new if so then you may need to clean the barrel out as new rifles come with factory gunk in them to keep them good as they may sit at a rfd,s shop for months


you will need a pull through kit for this


Same with a second hand rifle all ways clean the barrel un less the last owner has told you what pellets he or she has put in the rifle


Then you will need to re,lead the rifle barrel this is where you sit and plink on until you start getting good groups and the rifle barrel has been re,leaded .


so this is what we need to know off you














ATVBMAC :thumbs: :thumbs: :thumbs:




some good lads on hear and lasses no doubt some will be along soon to help you out as well

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Hi Jemma and welcome aboard. I think Mac has covered the need to know bit but What do you use or intend to use the gun for, target shooting at a range, garden plinkng or vermin shooting.

Lastly are you shooting sat resting on a bench, stood up, kneeling or laid down.



Edited by philpot
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Hey,thank you for the replies.

It's an Webley AGS Camo rifle. 2nd hand. With a excelvan 3-9x56eg scope. It's spring loaded and I'm using Bisley Pest Control 5.5 mm (.22) and Spitfires .22 pellets.

Pest shooting I'm using it for, mainly standing up or sometimes resting on a fence post.


I was looking at getting some baracuda hunter extreme pellets or rabbit magnum II

As did wonder if was my pellets but one shot is fine the second seems to go else where. My dad's air rifle seems better and I think that's older then me lol

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Hi Jemma,


Welcome to the forum.


It could be down to the pellets that you're using. Most air rifles perform best with some kind of round nose diablo type pellet. Springers tend to prefer a light weight pellet.


I get decent results with Falcon Accuracy Plus pellets but, you could also look at JSB RS, Air Arms Express, H&N Sniper Light.


Good luck with it.



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Hi Jemma and welcome here.

One thing you must not do with a spring powered air rifle is try to shoot it from resting it on a post. Or any hard, solid "rest" for that matter.


The gun will bounce on firing from its recoil and the barrel jumps, throwing your shot off target.


You just need to practice. Try using a prone position. That is, lying down on the ground, making yourself as comfortable as possible. Use an old jacket to lie on and a beeny seat or a backpack with a pillow in it as a rest for your forearm to help you support the rifle comfortably. This will help you keep the rifle very stable in the aim from your shoulder.


Top level precise accuracy only happens when you are shooting from a comfortable, stable, unstressed position where you can put the rifle into your aim comfortably at your shoulder, without over-tiring your arms and wrist.


You'll get a better understanding of how well your pellet is performing from your barrel, or not and get a more precise scope zero for your needs in the hunting field. You'll also get more satisfaction and enjoyment from your shooting when it all starts to click into place..


It's all a matter of trying things and different pellets out untill, you find what suits you and your rifle perfectly.


All the very best for your shooting. :thumbs:



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hello jemma first thing first Hello and welcome to thl

as been said above it could also be the pellets I wouldnt use spitfire pellets full stop myself, try some rws superdomes

you dont say if it with both types pf pellet i am guessing that it only with spitfire pellets that you get flyers if it with both do as been said try a different postion

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To be honest Jem the rifle is not the best but we all have to start some where and not all of us have a few hundred quid laying around for a top of the game rifle


just follow Simons tips and you will be putting pellet on pellet all day long


he help,d me out a few years ago and iv not looked back since


they dont call him the springer god for nothing he has for got more than i know about spring rifles lol


Change your pellets and practice and when you think you have sorted it practice some more and keep practicing the more you practice the better you will get honest ,


And you will get flyers no matter what pellets you use just that with a good pellet you will not get as many


atvbmac :thumbs: :thumbs: :thumbs:

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In order to get 'hold' right, which is not so easy as Mac and Simon will agree and I had to put in loads of practice after those two gentlemen spent time showing me. I suggest going to a range and get somebody who shoots a springer well to show you or of course the club coach if there is one because getting help from people who KNOW to you personally, make a world of difference.


I am sure there will be a range not too far away, if you don't know of one, have a look on here :- http://www.shootingclubdirectory.com/


Hope that helps



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