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What Mole Traps For Beginner?

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Im after some opinions of what traps to buy for moles, there seems to be a few types.


I was going to buy some Duffus traps, but putanges seem to be popular. Is there a reason to use one over the other, or should I just get on with it and see what one I prefer?


Anyone got a link to some good value sites to buy from as well please?



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Make sure you buy decent ones John,theres a lot of shite Chinese copies on ebay etc not enough power in them to effect a quick dispatch....try fourteenacre or flatpack co.ATB Dave

Bugger....Bought some of eBay.


Ill order a couple of decent ones and compare them, in the bin if not then!

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Make sure you buy decent ones John,theres a lot of shite Chinese copies on ebay etc not enough power in them to effect a quick dispatch....try fourteenacre or flatpack co.ATB Dave

Bugger....Bought some of eBay.


Ill order a couple of decent ones and compare them, in the bin if not then!


Been there and got the t shirt ,binned them ages ago,was finding traps that clearly had a mole in them but had wriggled free lol

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Thanks Bry


I think ill just order some Duffus traps and see how i get on with them. I'll let you know how it goes!





You can catch, with all the suggested types, mate .So you should experiment ?, and see what you get on best with, maybe ?(compare 'capture rate', etc),.... A good 'duffus' type, isnt a bad first choice,.....as its a well 'proven' design ?

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As been said Avoid cheap Chinky copies,


When cutting the turf to put traps in don't make it to big and disturb the run ( tunnel ) too much .

Good luck I been told there's a good dvd out about mole trapping, try look at that get some pointers

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As been said Avoid cheap Chinky copies,


When cutting the turf to put traps in don't make it to big and disturb the run ( tunnel ) too much .

Good luck I been told there's a good dvd out about mole trapping, try look at that get some pointers

Dont give him too many 'tips', Bry !,...no harm, in learning by 'trial & error', when first starting out ? ha ha ha

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Haha thanks for the tips, don't worry I bought that mole dvd so will be having a good watch and then having a bash!


New traps arrived from fourteen acres, cracking service from them, and they are a good amount beefier than the ebay ones, lesson learnt there!

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