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Well heres me expecting sleepless nights, andin all honesty, I put her outside for a slash about midnight, and I have to waken her about 7ish next morning, just had a phone call from the breeder, hes had a pup returned cos its blarting all night, last 1 in the litter of 11 I got, lucky or what

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Top marks to two top guys...

I'm layed up in a hospital bed at moment..

Got hit with a van Friday and ended up smashing into my kidney with a wing mirror...

Car didn't even stop !!!


That's another story..,

Big thanks to Keith and the breeder..

Breeder is getting the bitch back and holding her for me till I get out of here..

Told him I'll have her,if Keith is happy with her and the breeding etc that's good enough for me...

Just shows there are good genuine lads on here and shows if you wait long enough rather than just jump in you get what your looking for..

Now the fun starts,can't wait to get first me home and her home and let's the fun begin...

Thanks lads...


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