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Young Squirrels

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Couple of weeks ago I put some bait in a loft for what the houseowner thought was rats.

Meanwhile she was occupied by her daughter's expectant child.

Got a call today, she said the thinks it's squirrels,can I come as she is out the rest of the week.

So checked the bait in the loft, two hatches, one was very small, 12" x 14"

I had to get my arms through first as it was too narrow for my shoulders.

Bait was taken slightly by mice.

Saw a movement in the corner of the loft, which was low and very small, 12' x 12'

Looked along the inside of the fascia board and saw a furry tail.

Got fully into the loft and thought what to do, do I try to get it with it possibly bite my fingers or do I just put traps in and leave it?

I could not leave it so I grabbed the tail and a young squirrel was in the other end.

Wrung it neck and returned to get the cages of the traps.

Back in the loft, saw another movement, another tail in the same place, so grabbed this tail and a squirrel was also attached which I wrung out.

Back in the room to prepare the bait and the traps themselves and the bait then back in the loft with the bait and saw a third one at the other end of the fascia board.

Checked for the structure of the loft, where any joists were and any supporting planks before moving, on the second attempt I got its tail, this one did try to rear up to my fingers but only got half way.

That one also met its end.

Never handled live squirrels before, I thought it would be a lot trickier than it was, they are similar to rabbits, grab the back of the torso in one hand and the back of the head in the other, just got to steer clear of the mouth.

They were three quarter grown, thought they would have had more sense than they did.

Left the two traps near the entrance, hope the parents aren't scared off.

Any idea on maturity or age of them?

The adult is one I shot about an hour later in the orchard where I live. No right hand and no left foot for some reason.



Edited by jackg
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  On 01/10/2016 at 21:09, Torquemada said:

Why are you putting poison down when you don't know what you are dealing with?? ?


Agreed....but it is easy done when your doing loads of rats and mice in lofts.


Iv seen young squirrels caught by hand but it's not for me!


I would think you will only have the mother left to catch....maybe another young one.

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Surely the droppings(if present) should show its squirrels. Since you've identified squirrels in there as well as mice then traps are your only option for both given that there is only warfarin approved for squirrels and the label states only for use against squirrels. Reads that have you returned rodenticide to the roof space?

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