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Pup Not Retrieving When Other Dog Is There

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Young whippet pup seems to be catching a few daytime rabbits when mooching. The first couple he brought straight back to hand but after the older dog snatching them off him he has started to get possessive when she is there an now stands over them and moth them.

He's okay when he's on his own (retrieves live and relatively undamaged to hand) but I could do with some advice as to any remedy for when the other dog is there.


Any ideas?

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I would work on the most obedient one to respond to the leave it (or simular command) its isn’t easy, I have this problem too, and just starting to get on top of it especially hard when both are possessive and stubborn. With patience and repetitiveness you will overcome it, be wary not to be to hard just persistent you don’t want to ruin retrieve or make them scared to do their job slow and easy.

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