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Big Lurchers

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.depends on what kind of land,and what you hunt with your dogs,when i first started running lurchers,more years than i care to remember,i always ran dogs 25 to28tts, this was on big quarry,big fields andhard upland ground,the dogs were mainly deerhoundx and had height and pace for this terrain,alot despite their size were damn good lampers on rabbits and did me well,for agood few years i ran bedlington xs, becausei was doing more ferreting and lamping and day time work.where i am now i have gone back to big dogs due to lack of rabbits and the hills and big fields that surround me,but each to their own,whether your lurcher is big or small,enjoy them and your sport,atb toall the lads for the coming season.

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Land dependant ,I have always like a lurcher to be 24 - 26 . My current one is 27 and I don't think there a thing the bigger lurcher can't do that a smaller lurcher can. I've heard all the "it's not the size of the dog in the fight" stuff but if both have the heart is take a bigger dog ,may as well equip a dog with the tools than relying on heart. In saying that if take a smaller dog if it had more heart.

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