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Stalking Lease 12 Persons £900 Each P/a

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An areas of interest to deer stalkers. There are 12 available stalking places for a syndicate @ £900 per gun, per annum.


Applicants must have minimum DSc1 & 3 years experience, others may be considered with sufficient proven experience ,


Resident Roe as well as Red as present , feral goats are also apparent , with managed stock. High seats are available


The land is located within the Nidderdale / N Yorkshire . The land is approximately 8 miles from Harrogate. 7 miles Masham, The land lies between 150 above sea level.


185 acre of mixed woodland , pasure & moorland , with leads to large forests & hilly areas 360degree for 8 mile + !


The area is isolated with just 2 farms within 1 mile.


I have used these grounds for 3+ years , & know it well.


All applicants will be vetted, & checked ,


Genuine enquiries only...inbox for details




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  • 3 weeks later...

Was thinking the same Harold .Surely some error on the acreage there.200 acre farms here are tiny .

I took 35 - 36 roe off a 200 acre farm last year, wether or not I would have done so with another 11 guns I'm not to sure lol

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