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Fury V Klit 2 ..........off Again!

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Dyson Fury lol

What a complete bollocks they,ve made of this lad its like watching a skint teenager who suddenly comes into money and starts throwing it around shouting his mouth off about how rich he is only to get

Whether the mental problems is true or not i actually feel quite sorry for the lad ....he,s proved with his sheer size and movement that he can operate at the highest level so for his career to be was

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Got to give Fury his due like him or not,he certainly has the media/social media eating out of his hand and hanging on his every word lol. People take leave of there senses and buy into everything he says,playing them like puppets.Fury is a traveller and travellers love nothing more than sitting holding court throwing a few tall tales around.Fury beat the long term Champ to become undisputed Champion himself, however his team had guided him to the Titles admirably picking the right fights at the right time the problem is since winning the Titles they have not done so well and like Gnasher says he should have had a bigger more experienced team around him. Tyson needs advisors around him to deal with certain things in certain ways instead of taking everything as a direct attack on him and his heritage. For example in less than a week after winning the Titles he was stripped of one of the belts ??? and quite rightly he pointed out that had Wlad won he would not have been stripped of any belts. Now this had a negative effect on Tyson and placed doubts in him that people were against him from the off and this is the situation we see now.If somebody has it in his head that hes been done hard done by and cant do right for doing wrong,whats he to do ? There is going to be an outlet and its not going to do anybody any favours,sound familiar ? A bigger more experienced team may have been able to quench these doubts and focus him away from things like this which he clearly took to heart and rightly so. Now if he decides to fight again or not we will have to wait and see.

Edited by MickC
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  On 03/10/2016 at 18:45, MickC said:

Got to give Fury his due like him or not,he certainly has the media/social media eating out of his hand and hanging on his every word lol. People take leave of there senses and buy into everything he says,playing them like puppets.Fury is a traveller and travellers love nothing more than sitting holding court throwing a few tall tales around.Fury beat the long term Champ to become undisputed Champion himself, however his team had guided him to the Titles admirably picking the right fights at the right time the problem is since winning the Titles they have not done so well and like Gnasher says he should have had a bigger more experienced team around him. Tyson needs advisors around him to deal with certain things in certain ways instead of taking everything as a direct attack on him and his heritage. For example in less than a week after winning the Titles he was stripped of one of the belts ??? and quite rightly he pointed out that had Wlad won he would not have been stripped of any belts. Now this had a negative effect on Tyson and placed doubts in him that people were against him from the off and this is the situation we see now.If somebody has it in his head that hes been done hard done by and cant do right for doing wrong,whats he to do ? There is going to be an outlet and its not going to do anybody any favours,sound familiar ? A bigger more experienced team may have been able to quench these doubts and focus him away from things like this which he clearly took to heart and rightly so. Now if he decides to fight again or not we will have to wait and see.

This is where I don't understand his fans side .


You say you have to give him his due because he's got the media eating out of his hand. And that he has people eating out of his hand and that people hang on his every word and playing them like puppetts


Can't agree with that, in this modern world of quick time celebrities and reality stars, people get famous for being idiots . Look at everybody from the only way is Essex and other modern craps . Having people hang on your every word because they want to laugh at you is not the same as the media actually reporting on you because you have something good to say. When the local Billy bullshit comes up to the bar at your local and starts talking people listen to him and laugh behind his back . I liken Tyson fury to the same kind of person. People want to hear what he's got to say because he's someone to laugh at.


Travellers like holding court and throwing tales about


That's all fine If their real stories and hold weight . When their bollocks it just turns into another loud mouth liar type story

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You cant agree with that,yet both of us are posting on a thread about him not fighting Wlad that is now on its 27 th page !! I did say it wasnt doing anybody any favours. Plenty people on here giving us reports as soon as he posts something on media/social media so for an idiot he certainly gets peoples attention and has his followers. Ive never been on Facebook ,Twitter etc so I only find out what hes been upto by coming on here tbh .

Edited by MickC
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  On 04/10/2016 at 11:37, Rusty_terrier said:

This is the problem we are seeing with alot of sports. The guy thinks he's a superstar and he runs boxing. Yes his supports might find this funny but fans of other fighters and the sport in general don't. All its doing is holding up other fighters and making the sport look bad. The guys an joke in terms of being a professional


Exactly,he has all his followers on media/social media giving him all the attention,were they not there he would have no audience to play to.

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  On 04/10/2016 at 12:09, stevo79 said:

He should just stop talking shite now and get in the ring and fight. I did like him but he's making a c**t of himself. it's boring all the bolloxk he chats I rekon he's scared vlads Gona do him.

He can't get in the ring and fight though, he's looking at a ban...

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  On 03/10/2016 at 15:39, Astanley said:

I am begining to worry for this lads mental well being


I think he is a touch 'radio rental' combine that with being world champ plus a sprinkling of charlie along with the oncoming descent - as an individual hope the support is available to him.

His being different physically and mentally have got him to where he was, hope it dont take him to the opposite end of the spectrum.

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The word Blaggards springs to mind.The whole thing is a load of bollox if you ask me. A true champion would always be mentally fitter or least on parr than/with his next opponent, and obviously Fury isn't. So he has lost without even getting back in the ring with Vlad. They say he is the linear champ, but he only beat 1 man to get them belts. Think Vlad done it the proper way and was still hungry for more. Imo Fury just wants to keep chatting sh!te amongst his own people about what he achieved that night and leave it at that. The fear of Vlad doing the same back to him has affected his motivation imo. The Fury's keep saying he will never have another night like that night he beat Vlad, so they have drummed that in his head. Surely doing it again and knocking Vlad out in front of his own fans would top it??? If Fury don't want it and can't get motivated then hand the belts over and let the real fighting men fight and defend the titles.

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