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Get a bat detector, then you tell what species they are. :thumbs:

that bat detector sounds like an interesting bit of kit, is there any particular makes or models to buy/avoid as there seems to be a massive variation in prices and models from £30 for a kids toy one upto £250 for a serious bat geek one
Mines just a magenta mk4....http://www.nhbs.com/title/156154?title=magenta-bat-4-bat-detector?bkfno=171848&ca_id=1495&gclid=CK6fuoHSns8CFYeVGwodP3ENVg

This is cheapest iv found (usually around £90 on ebay)

Iv had this model for severel years and have no inclenatin to upgrade, it's a great bit of kit! I often lend it out to friends it's had a lot of use and still going strong.

That's what I have, but the older model, works fine for me, got a frequency guide with it to detect different types of bats, all you have to do is set it to what you think is about, and bingo, your in. If you get a bat you can't hear just change the frequency until you pick it up, just the job for a sit on the patio with a beer, or two.

Yep that's what I do too most nights lol. There's a new type of bat detector out that automatically tunes to the correct frequency and displays it so you can see what species it is. Here's a link....http://www.naturecounters.com/catalog/product_info.php?products_id=95&utm_source=google-product-search-uk-en&utm_medium=product_search&utm_campaign=google-product-search-uk-en

I'm happy with my old style one but may upgrade next year.

What species you picking up Tom ? .....I grew up in the Meanwood and remember as a kid seeing Noctule bats flying high over the estate......I'd give you £100 if there was any knocking about nowerdays.
Always been pipistrelle bats at my house but iv found what I think are daubentons bats going up and down the river U R E and I could also hear them slightly with my own ears. I need to go more places to find different species and learn to identify them better to be honest!
Yep, think Daubutants are found near water, I have a pic somewhere of one I picked up dead, will stick it up.......once sea trout fishing up north and caught one on the backcast on a fly lol
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Nearly spat my tea out,when I read walshie called his mate a townie pmsl

Watch those ginger ones there nasty feckers.

little one pipistrale,ginger, horseshoe at a guess, as you have a landing net I assume you angle and as an angler you should notice the increase in bat activity when the fly,s are hatching, that's whe

Caught a couple over the years (accidently) fly fishing at night on the river for seatrout. First one i nearly shat me waders...casting didn't sound right, thought i had a leaf or a bit of weed on the fly..tried getting it off without putting the torch on, didn't feel right so put the torch on and..YIKEY! A bat in my hand! Happened twice now.

Ha ha I'm in stitches :D

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