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Philippines War On Drugs

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I dont drink alcohol mate,tea only is my tipple,i bought the house over 20 years ago mate when i was based in Hong Kong and Davao was quite remote then,its got an international airport since then,Duterte Harry (after the clint eastwood character)as he is known has been having people bumped off for criminal,political and other reasons since way back long before he became el presidente,google Davao Death Squad and even that barely scratches the surface,over the years i have seen a few of his "Salvage"as the victims are known,two guys were shot near my house within the last month,one on a street and one as he stood in a shop,both were purported shabu sellers,but nowadays the vigilante killings are often used to settle old personal scores.

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Thinking about it if they've got hit squads for drug dealers and drug users then they should have the same for nonces as well !

lol why aint bush blair netanyahu on the way to the hague ? 30000 is a drop in the ocean to there numbers

The president has urged police and civilians to just kill drug dealers.......they have small groups of civilians hit squads, lots of them women who are getting paid to do the job. I think it's a bril

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Put it this way,vigilante death squads now have carte blanche to kill small time drug peddlers,theres no CSI philippine Islands,its turn up,examine the body and cart it off,theres no trial,no evidence,just hearsay,suppose you dont like your neighbour.........easy way to get rid of him,tell everyone he is a shabu dealer,repeat it a few times,chinese whispers around the neighbourhood,couple of weeks later shoot him in the head from the shadows,word on the street (which you spread)is the guy used crystal meth,no ones going to look too closely into the killing,lifes cheap as are throwaway weapons.

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I dont drink alcohol mate,tea only is my tipple,i bought the house over 20 years ago mate when i was based in Hong Kong and Davao was quite remote then,its got an international airport since then,Duterte Harry (after the clint eastwood character)as he is known has been having people bumped off for criminal,political and other reasons since way back long before he became el presidente,google Davao Death Squad and even that barely scratches the surface,over the years i have seen a few of his "Salvage"as the victims are known,two guys were shot near my house within the last month,one on a street and one as he stood in a shop,both were purported shabu sellers,but nowadays the vigilante killings are often used to settle old personal scores.

Herbal coffee? ;)

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Ain't you concerned for your own safety mackem?

No mate,i am one of lifes good guys.Coincidentally he is going to legalise medicinal cannabis.
Fair play to you as Walt says you certainly come across as a interesting man whos got a few storys to tell I'd share a mug of builders tea with you any day :thumbs: .... Freeing the weed he sounds like a top fella :laugh:
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Ain't you concerned for your own safety mackem?

No mate,i am one of lifes good guys.Coincidentally he is going to legalise medicinal cannabis.
Fair play to you as Walt says you certainly come across as a interesting man whos got a few storys to tell I'd share a mug of builders tea with you any day :thumbs: .... Freeing the weed he sounds like a top fella :laugh:




Oi Bitch ! His mine! get back to your flat pack furniture! :angry2:

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Meth is nasty shite... You wouldn't want your kid anywhere the shite but these people are the victims imo it's the top of the chain that needs taking out not the addicts


Wipe them all out dealers and junkies ive no sypathy for any of them.its a scummy game played by scummy people.ive no pity for that girl in the pic she chose to take it she could of chose not to take it.



The dealers are scum and, the junkies choose to start using.


Why let them drain national resources when there's always paediatric units and old folk that are in genuine need.

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Meth is nasty shite... You wouldn't want your kid anywhere the shite but these people are the victims imo it's the top of the chain that needs taking out not the addicts

Wipe them all out dealers and junkies ive no sypathy for any of them.its a scummy game played by scummy people.ive no pity for that girl in the pic she chose to take it she could of chose not to take it.


The dealers are scum and, the junkies choose to start using.

Why let them drain national resources when there's always paediatric units and old folk that are in genuine need.

Everyone a hardliners.... until it's a loved one mixed up with such things.
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Meth is nasty shite... You wouldn't want your kid anywhere the shite but these people are the victims imo it's the top of the chain that needs taking out not the addicts

Wipe them all out dealers and junkies ive no sypathy for any of them.its a scummy game played by scummy people.ive no pity for that girl in the pic she chose to take it she could of chose not to take it.


The dealers are scum and, the junkies choose to start using.

Why let them drain national resources when there's always paediatric units and old folk that are in genuine need.

Everyone a hardliners.... until it's a loved one mixed up with such things.

I've had loved ones mixed up in it. The consequences are devastating for everyone.


It turns people into scum bags and causes misery for families.

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Meth is nasty shite... You wouldn't want your kid anywhere the shite but these people are the victims imo it's the top of the chain that needs taking out not the addicts

Wipe them all out dealers and junkies ive no sypathy for any of them.its a scummy game played by scummy people.ive no pity for that girl in the pic she chose to take it she could of chose not to take it.


The dealers are scum and, the junkies choose to start using.

Why let them drain national resources when there's always paediatric units and old folk that are in genuine need.

Everyone a hardliners.... until it's a loved one mixed up with such things.

I've had loved ones mixed up in it. The consequences are devastating for everyone.

It turns people into scum bags and causes misery for families.


I have loved ones mixed up in it at dealers and addicts as i said its thier choice so fcuk them.

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Smack and meth is a different ball game compared to other drugs! Not party drugs they're evil. Seen so many people I went school with, or grew up with either in a state, brassing to fund their addiction, drinking super strength alcohol to dumb down withdrawal symptoms or die, lose kids or smack heads themselves lose their babies due to them being born addicted and weak.


Kill off the smack/meth dealers, I'm all for that. But like I said I don't class lads selling weed/pills/Coke in the same categories.

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No drug or addiction can turn a decent person into a scumbag, if they're scumbags when on the drugs then they always had scumbag tendencies.

I kind of believe this too, al the smack head thieves I know from growing up where I did were scumbags or on their way to becoming that way before they started smoking then injecting smack. I also know a few that wernt but started smoking it anyway, hold down jobs in contruction and don't steal to fund their habit. Sad state to be in

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