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Portsmouth Shooter And Ferreter

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Hello glad to be on here, I've noticed the other forums are getting a bit slow and not many interesting posts. Completely new to the site and found it by googling 'ferreting forum'


My names Jack, I'm 29 years old, live in Portsmouth by the sea. As a kid I did a lot of sea fishing casting off the beaches and fishing the piers. Even had a little rowing boat and fished the dockyard for pollack and eels.


In my early 20s did some air rifle shooting with friends, mostly rabbits and we'd camp out and cook up a rabbit stew over the fire. If we didn't kill we didn't eat.


When I met my partner I showed her dad what I was up to and he started taking me beating on his shoot at Bordon. He let me have a go with his shotgun a few times and after that I was hooked.


Been shooting on my permission on the South Downs now for about 6 years, mostly pigeons and crows.

Biggest bags we get around 140.

Really enjoy decoying crows and jackdaws.

Love eating what I kill, got some lovely recipes for pigeon risotto, pigeon and bacon salad, pigeon and pea wraps.

I shoot a franchi hunter AL48 which kicks like a mule and a Benelli montefeltro, both semi autos. Some days I'm a fantastic shot and some days I can't hit a barn door!


I do a clay shoot at lambtons annually with some Geordie pals and a hare, duck and goose shoot in East Anglia at Christmas time.


Started ferreting last season with my partners dad and his mate, he's got 2 lurchers and albino ferrets, we have some good days out in West Sussex and I look forward to going at the weekends all week. Perfected my rabbit pies now and I add a slice of haggis and slice of black pudding to the stock to make my gravy. We just started doing a rabbit stir fry which is pretty good too!


I think ferreting is my passion and love seeing the dogs work. When the missus doesn't have to work and I'm not at work all day I'd like to get a terrier for bushing and working with the lurchers. Probably a smooth coated Lakeland or Patterdale.


Recently purchased an action camera which I can wear on my chest when ferreting, fit to the gun or put on a harness on the dogs. It's the best money I've ever spent and highly recommend getting one. Might put the footage on YouTube but concerned about antis or it causing offence.


Anyway good to be on here and hope the intro wasn't too long! All the best, Jack

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