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Some New Layer

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  • 2 weeks later...

The barnevelders I got had a blip in summer but I get nearly egg a day out of them now , they began laying last dec/jan.

I only got them as off heat growers from a garden center ,but the young lady(think its owners daughter) had nice stock in grass pens think she had giot some that had blood from Netherlands .

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  • 3 weeks later...

Well the egg laying is ant going so well I'm getting one egg a day either they were younger than the seller said or there something really wrong give them a few more weeks then see what I feel like. Surely they should be laying like crazy .

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Probably due to the moult. The birds are getting ready for cold weather so laying is not paramount. Always a quiet time. Think about a timed lamp in the house. Daylight is another thing that drastically alters laying. A lamp helps. Rats are now looking for food and where better than a free supply of chicken food. The birds don't like this . I imagine there's lot's more reasons like clean water, lack of vitamins, red mite, shit it goes on and on. Jok.

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Jok, bang on the money here, they will often slow down at this time, I have just over 200 birds, and lucky if I get 5 or 10 eggs a day at the moment, some days just one or two, but they are all in serious moult, happens every year as I use all natural light, I don't mess with the birds clocks.

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