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Me and Rew headed out again to do an hour or two ferreting before dark and some lamping when night time arrived, we split up and ferreted a few sets each, Andrew had his girlfriend with him who was snapping pics of the day, she took some great pics, from what I gathered from rew and his footage his pup bud done well, jumping walls retreiving etc, lass made some great catches and worked the warrens well, one rabbit in particular was a great big lump of a thing lol, on another warren as I approached the Jill in the mouth of the hole with a rabbit, it broke free of her grip and leaped at me just missing me lol we ended on eleven before night time was drawing in,,,,,






We set off lamping around 9 and finished about 2, the moon was out in full force with not a spec of wind, we had to do a fair bit of searching to get a few in the bag, lass whipped up most of what she ran, bringin all live back to hand, she ended on twenty well earned rabbits, rews pup caught nine, he's very keen and seems to be progressing out in the fields,

So total lamping bag was 29, so we ended on a round 40 including the 11 ferreting,






Thanks for looking, ?

Edited by nottzhunter08
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Thanks guys it was a really good trip again. The weather was lovely too. We did far better ferreting than we were expecting. I have been given two hobs ferrets and they both did well shifting rabbits. Bud managed to catch a couple bolts and sniffed out a couple squatting in the grass. He was starting to focus on the warren this time rather than what was around him.

Yes northenlite

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Thanks guys it was a really good trip again. The weather was lovely too. We did far better ferreting than we were expecting. I have been given two hobs ferrets and they both did well shifting rabbits. Bud managed to catch a couple bolts and sniffed out a couple squatting in the grass. He was starting to focus on the warren this time rather than what was around him.

Yes northenlite

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