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Out Tonight

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I'll be out last light mate few mile up the road be rude not to after the rain we've had been taking mine out every day this week early morning including today and we ain't blanked yet so real pleased with him few runs this evening hopefully then a rest until Sunday all the best with your bitch tonight pal ?

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First time out tonight since I lost the my bitch the other week lets hope she don't hunt up tonight who else is going out tonight had a good bit of rain here past 24hours and wind seems to be getting up

Moons like a light bulb in the sky, not a good night for a dog that hunts up imo.
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You'll just wise everythin up lol

Same as every f****r on here that can't wait for proper lamping conditions lol. It's all just a competition now, everyone got to start their dogs earlier than everyone else. catch more, go out more often etc etc. No wonder some people don 't see as much as they used to when they do go out, like you say, everyfucker else has wised them up lol

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