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  On 15/09/2016 at 18:46, Badgerdaddy said:

Well, I have gone and done it and dropped my beloved Regal into Airtech and met the man himself. What a genius he is with air guns. I was expecting to just drop off the rifle and be gone but that was not an option. I must have spent two hours with Carl and was both bemused and amazed at what he does. There is nothing that guy can't do to customise or upgrade your pride an joy. However, I think it's best to mention this here and now. This is Carl's Hobby and Anyone who uses him must realise that he is not at our beck and call. Be patient with the guy and he will not let you down with the quality of his work.


Hopefully the gun will be back with me next week and will let you know how it turns out.


Take care all



Hi Colin your regal is now finished. give me a shout when you have time.

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All I can add to this thread, is my experience of Carl and my Regal.   He may not be the most communicative fellow around, but, he's turned my Regal into a beautiful gun and a keeper. I will never p

Next week   It won't be back next week mate   It will be shit hot when you get back, of that there is no doubt but, you ain't getting it back next week

Where the wait comes in with any rifle that is sent in to have work done is making the parts. I do not do a quick spit and polish I try where possible to make batches of parts. This takes time to do.

  On 23/09/2016 at 07:01, airtech said:


  On 15/09/2016 at 20:32, Jonjon79 said:


Next week :rofl:


It won't be back next week mate :no:


It will be shit hot when you get back, of that there is no doubt but, you ain't getting it back next week :thumbs:


you may be surprised because the regal is done

Nice ;)


I'm sure Colin will be another satisfied customer :thumbs:



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  On 23/09/2016 at 07:14, Jonjon79 said:


  On 23/09/2016 at 07:01, airtech said:


  On 15/09/2016 at 20:32, Jonjon79 said:

Next week :rofl:


It won't be back next week mate :no:


It will be shit hot when you get back, of that there is no doubt but, you ain't getting it back next week :thumbs:


you may be surprised because the regal is done

Nice ;)


I'm sure Colin will be another satisfied customer :thumbs:






So carl what can you do to a hw100 to make it better IF THAT IS EVEN POSSIBLE my friend


atvbmac :thumbs: :thumbs: :thumbs:

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  On 23/09/2016 at 07:38, bigmac 97kt said:


  On 23/09/2016 at 07:14, Jonjon79 said:


  On 23/09/2016 at 07:01, airtech said:


  On 15/09/2016 at 20:32, Jonjon79 said:

Next week :rofl:

It won't be back next week mate :no:

It will be shit hot when you get back, of that there is no doubt but, you ain't getting it back next week :thumbs:

you may be surprised because the regal is done


Nice ;)

I'm sure Colin will be another satisfied customer :thumbs:




So carl what can you do to a hw100 to make it better IF THAT IS EVEN POSSIBLE my friend


atvbmac :thumbs: :thumbs: :thumbs:

Very good question, I would be very very interested to know if you can improve the hw100 as I am looking at getting mine sorted.

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  On 23/09/2016 at 09:51, Rabid said:


  On 23/09/2016 at 07:38, bigmac 97kt said:


  On 23/09/2016 at 07:14, Jonjon79 said:


  On 23/09/2016 at 07:01, airtech said:


  On 15/09/2016 at 20:32, Jonjon79 said:

Next week :rofl:

It won't be back next week mate :no:

It will be shit hot when you get back, of that there is no doubt but, you ain't getting it back next week :thumbs:

you may be surprised because the regal is done


Nice ;)

I'm sure Colin will be another satisfied customer :thumbs:




So carl what can you do to a hw100 to make it better IF THAT IS EVEN POSSIBLE my friend


atvbmac :thumbs: :thumbs: :thumbs:

Very good question, I would be very very interested to know if you can improve the hw100 as I am looking at getting mine sorted.

Same here - Always interested in any improvements.


Anyway, I'm off to make a cuppa while I eat my words :rolleyes::D

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  On 23/09/2016 at 15:08, Rabid said:


  On 23/09/2016 at 13:04, johonawhitness said:

So it seems if you make a thread when you send your rifle to airtech it dramatically reduces the wait

Or perhaps the waiting times changed depending on workload as is often the case.

To be absolutely honest, Carl had the parts already in stock and was lucky he had just one custom regulator for the regal left. All he had to do was find some time to fit them. I therefore had all faith in him. Like I said earlier in the post, this is his hobby and not a regular business. If I had to wait longer I would not have worried as his knowledge and workmanship is beyond compare.


I'm collecting the rifle on Monday so will post a note on how it has turned out.





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Where the wait comes in with any rifle that is sent in to have work done is making the parts. I do not do a quick spit and polish I try where possible to make batches of parts. This takes time to do. Some rifles respond well to the modifications where as others do not. With a regal I can spend all day changing the hammer and regulator settings to get the rifle to shoot at its optimum. Anyone can chuck a reg in a rifle fit a weaker spring drill out the transfer port and say it's been tuned that's as far away from a tuned rifle as you can get. You can fit a reg to a rifle and get less shots if it's not set correctly. The other thing is as people who have hand delivered rifles to me will know at any time I will have a minimum of 25 rifles in to work on. You only need one of these rifles that gives trouble and takes longer than expected and it puts all others behind times that by 25 and I can easily be months behind. Making batches of air cylinders or external regulators then polishing and blacking them can take a week in itself so ime a week behind before I even start on a gun people do not realize this. There is nothing I put out to any company to do for me. Been there done that and all you get is rubbish. One of the biggest headaches I had was with chemical blacking I would spend hours polishing a action it would look like chrome after I finished polishing it. I would send it in to be blacked and they would f**k it up in one way or another often scratching it or the blacking did not take. There excuse was it was scratched when it got here we didn't do it. Or it's the metal that's why the backing didn't take. In the end I thought it can't be that hard to do blacking. So after I spent close to £1000 to have tanks and burners bars made. Now my blacking is second to none. Same as my anodizing. But while I'm scratching my ass trying to figure out how to do this I'm not getting people's rifles done. It's been a massive learning curve but well worth the expense. I'm now looking at getting rid of one of my large lathes and buying another Cnc machine purely to make rifle parts only put that's £20k for a decent second hand machine

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I have a theory - I think you're giving people exactly what they want and, if you change, they won't be happy........ :whistling:


It's a well known fact that us British like quality engineering and items that last - all the better if it's done by 1 man in a workshop with proper knowledge :thumbs:

For example, there seems to be very few vehicle mechanics now - most are fitters. They'll plug the car in and change whatever part the computer tells them to.


Also, it's a well known fact around the world that the British like to queue and wait. Not only this, they like to have a good moan as well :rolleyes:

So, give us a waiting time that we can moan about and, secretly, we're happy :yes::D


So, you see, you're providing a complete service - top quality engineering at, what I have heared, are very reasonable prices and, the opportunity for a good ol' fashioned moan :thumbs:


...... It's good for the air rifles and good for the soul ;):D

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All I can add to this thread, is my experience of Carl and my Regal.


He may not be the most communicative fellow around, but, he's turned my Regal into a beautiful gun and a keeper. I will never part with such a beautiful looking, superbly accurate hunting tool as I now have with this rifle.


If Daystate had only built the Regal as well as this is now, with a proper regulator like this, the Regal would easily be a world class air rifle to be proud of by a country mile.

As it was before, I nearly (honestly) wrapped the bloody thing round a fence post, it was so ridiculously underpowered that, even headshot rabbits were being hit clean at 40 yards and still were bolting into the undergrowth with their heads bashed! I actually saw the pellet bounce out of the brain area of one or two at this sort of distance. So, I'm not for a minute going to believe this oft-quoted notion that 9.5 to 10 foot pounds of energy is enough. Rubbish! It's not even barely adequate for humane pest control in my experience of this.


The more consistant punch at 11+ FPE upwards, the better!


I'm getting a clear 100-plus shots at 11.6 ft/lbs per fill @ 210-bar. That's more rabbits than I can humanly carry. It'll probably run to a higher shot count before she needs another fill of air but, I haven't fully tested her shot- limits yet.


The bolt action is now beautifully smooth and a lot easier and a lot more pleasant to cock the rifle and shoot with, than it was with that silly Harper Valve nonesense.


Carl is a brilliant mind of know-how and practical craftsmanship in his work.


Just don't expect him to turn your rifle around in a week or so. But the wait is well worth it, let me assure you. :thumbs:


All the best with your own guns here gentlemen.


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Hi fellas

The Daystate is back and sporting a lovely carbon fibre moderator. As far as the gun is concerned I can't begin to tell you just how good it has become. It has changed in operation that the pre Airtech Regal is no where to be seen. If Carl was a chef hen he would be a chocolatier because this thing is as smooth as the finest Belgian confectionary I kid you not.


I have produced the best card I have ever shot at the club tonight. 1 ten shot mag at 25 yards and all in the bull at a size half that of a five pence piece. ok it was off a bipod but come on lads I have only been shooting for 6 months!!! I am sure that a more steady shooter could tighten the group a bit more but for me, it's perfect.


To say Carl is a magician is an understatement, he has put a huge smile on my face and turned my Regal into a keeper. I can't thank him enough. ??????

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Hi Mark.

Surely, the management at Daystate must be getting the feedback from these posts and others on air gun forums saying the same sorts of complaints.


:hmm: But then, they are probably in an outward state of denial. But sales must be affected surely?


But talk about a good ship spoilt for a hap'eth of tar! :hmm: :hmm:

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