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Not for me mate,,just a story to keep folk in line by rulers in older days...   My old gran who was a church goer,,,,,she would say the bible got it wrong,,,and God and the devil were just spelling

I've never believed in a God . My parents didn't either . I think that present day science rtf can prove that most of the bible didn't happen or would have been impossible. Moses parting the sea etc

Cain married his sister and thus God created......Norfolk !

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Regarding theory and fact, I believe for a fact that if you put a gun to your head and pull the trigger you're going to be in a world of trouble. That's enough proof for me, if anybody disagrees they can happily show me otherwise.....

And yet people have survived such a thing unblemished, thus evidence that contradicts your 'fact'. Therefore not a fact.

Demanding a theory be proven and yet setting the qualification of proof as unattainable is not a valid argument. You've simply begun to define the limits of understanding and knowledge.

I'll give you another example then.

I'd say that it is an unquestionable fact that every person who laid their neck on a railway track and let a freight train pass over it would be brown bread, no matter how many people did it.

So that is a reasonable statement to make and other than extraordinary circumstances would certainly be true so for many people they would say your theory is indeed fact. But for those that would claim no theory is fact "because it's a theory" they would not. For those that only accept what they obverse directly as fact then they would have to watch every person be killed before they would acknowledge it as fact. For those that accept faith in its purest form, they would accept it as fact without the need to see anything.


This is my point. Proof and fact and truth can mean different things to different people. I don't really like the word for that reason.

Meh I think one thing no one could dispute as fact no matter your definition and whether it's proven tested or based on faith is that nothing anyone posts here even if Jesus c himself popped on and said it was all a big joke, nothing will change Francie's mind ?

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Regarding theory and fact, I believe for a fact that if you put a gun to your head and pull the trigger you're going to be in a world of trouble. That's enough proof for me, if anybody disagrees they can happily show me otherwise.....

And yet people have survived such a thing unblemished, thus evidence that contradicts your 'fact'. Therefore not a fact.

Demanding a theory be proven and yet setting the qualification of proof as unattainable is not a valid argument. You've simply begun to define the limits of understanding and knowledge.

I'll give you another example then.

I'd say that it is an unquestionable fact that every person who laid their neck on a railway track and let a freight train pass over it would be brown bread, no matter how many people did it.

So that is a reasonable statement to make and other than extraordinary circumstances would certainly be true so for many people they would say your theory is indeed fact. But for those that would claim no theory is fact "because it's a theory" they would not. For those that only accept what they obverse directly as fact then they would have to watch every person be killed before they would acknowledge it as fact. For those that accept faith in its purest form, they would accept it as fact without the need to see anything.


This is my point. Proof and fact and truth can mean different things to different people. I don't really like the word for that reason.

Meh I think one thing no one could dispute as fact no matter your definition and whether it's proven tested or based on faith is that nothing anyone posts here even if Jesus c himself popped on and said it was all a big joke, nothing will change Francie's mind


Honest question, why would anybody want to change Francies mind? He is happy where he is, BTW he did not start this thread someone else did. There is nothing wrong with open discussion and trying to put your views forward, but there is a fine line between disagreeing with a person and trying to ridicule them.



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To non-believers.....


Please explain consciousness and the missing links........

One word, Evolution…… to the believers, prove the existence of god, sound like a familiar vicious circle? Have your own beliefs and live with them nobody need explain or prove otherwise to anybody else.

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So did he have a cup of coffee or not ?

Brookies got the coffee in his vardo but it's going cold cus he's to busy steeping his hands in petril to drink it. this is also the reason you have to stand well back from the door when you go knocking, his hands are dripping wet and he don't want to get it on the handle so he has to kick it open with his feet...



Wow thats a bit random :blink: ......but whether its fact theory or illusion im all for it if it dont break the laws of physics !

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Regarding theory and fact, I believe for a fact that if you put a gun to your head and pull the trigger you're going to be in a world of trouble. That's enough proof for me, if anybody disagrees they can happily show me otherwise.....

And yet people have survived such a thing unblemished, thus evidence that contradicts your 'fact'. Therefore not a fact.

Demanding a theory be proven and yet setting the qualification of proof as unattainable is not a valid argument. You've simply begun to define the limits of understanding and knowledge.

I'll give you another example then.

I'd say that it is an unquestionable fact that every person who laid their neck on a railway track and let a freight train pass over it would be brown bread, no matter how many people did it.

So that is a reasonable statement to make and other than extraordinary circumstances would certainly be true so for many people they would say your theory is indeed fact. But for those that would claim no theory is fact "because it's a theory" they would not. For those that only accept what they obverse directly as fact then they would have to watch every person be killed before they would acknowledge it as fact. For those that accept faith in its purest form, they would accept it as fact without the need to see anything.


This is my point. Proof and fact and truth can mean different things to different people. I don't really like the word for that reason.

Meh I think one thing no one could dispute as fact no matter your definition and whether it's proven tested or based on faith is that nothing anyone posts here even if Jesus c himself popped on and said it was all a big joke, nothing will change Francie's mind


Honest question, why would anybody want to change Francies mind? He is happy where he is, BTW he did not start this thread someone else did. There is nothing wrong with open discussion and trying to put your views forward, but there is a fine line between disagreeing with a person and trying to ridicule them.





Francie can take it,he's started enough of these threads himself and got pretty much the same response every time.

He always comes back for more sooner or later :yes:


He asks questions and doesn't usually seem to grasp the answers people give him,but he's always polite,respectful and has a sense of humour about things,so there's no need whatsoever to get personally offensive.

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To non-believers.....


Please explain consciousness and the missing links........

One word, Evolution…… to the believers, prove the existence of god, sound like a familiar vicious circle? Have your own beliefs and live with them nobody need explain or prove otherwise to anybody else.


oi oi oi hang about......i thought the whole idea of science was to prove how stuff works through observation and testing etc......while i dont claim to be able to prove God exists because my faith is enough...... saying " nobody need explain or prove evolution " also sounds more like faith than science,no ?

Edited by gnasher16
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To non-believers.....


Please explain consciousness and the missing links........

One word, Evolution…… to the believers, prove the existence of god, sound like a familiar vicious circle? Have your own beliefs and live with them nobody need explain or prove otherwise to anybody else.


oi oi oi hang about......i thought the whole idea of science was to prove how stuff works through observation and testing etc......while i dont claim to be able to prove God exists because my faith is enough...... saying " nobody need explain or prove evolution " is that not saying you also are reliant on faith ?


I have my own beliefs, why should I have to explain why I believe? and why should anybody else? it's and endless argument and the chances are it always will be.

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To non-believers.....


Please explain consciousness and the missing links........

One word, Evolution…… to the believers, prove the existence of god, sound like a familiar vicious circle? Have your own beliefs and live with them nobody need explain or prove otherwise to anybody else.


oi oi oi hang about......i thought the whole idea of science was to prove how stuff works through observation and testing etc......while i dont claim to be able to prove God exists because my faith is enough...... saying " nobody need explain or prove evolution " is that not saying you also are reliant on faith ?


I have my own beliefs, why should I have to explain why I believe? and why should anybody else? it's and endless argument and the chances are it always will be.


Nobody has to explain what they " believe " of course they dont.......but when someone claims something to be scientific then surely it does.... unless they are just relying on faith....no ?

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Found this online.

But the part i cant get my head around is this.

How did god talk to the different writer's or tell them what to write down.

And is the bible now fully finished or is it going to be added to in the future ?

Is god telling someone else in our time what to tell humanity and to write it down.

Diversity of Bible Writers

Those who wrote the Bible lived at different times, some separated by hundreds of years. In many cases they were complete strangers to one another. Some Bible writers were businessmen or traders, others were shepherds, fishermen, soldiers, physicians, preachers, kingshuman beings from all walks of life. They served under different governments, and lived within contrasting cultures and systems of philosophy.


All 66 Books of the Bible Agree

But here is the wonder of it all: When the 66 books of the Bible with their 1,189 chapters made up of 31,173 verses are brought together (KJV), we find perfect harmony in the message they convey. As the great scholar F. F. Bruce noted: "The Bible is not simply an anthology; there is a unity which binds the whole together."


The Bible writers gave God's messages by voice and pen while they lived, and when they died, their writings lived after them. These prophetic messages were then gathered together, under God's leading, in the book we call the Bible.


Who Wrote the

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So we can't produce a poppy seed from scratch despite having all the 'ingredients'. Am I correct in saying we cannot produce anything from scratch that carries life? If this is the case, the believers are going to keep believing as no one can prove that God or allah or whichever gods people believe in created life. Also the believers can never prove that god actually did create life hence these threads go round in circles all the time. I have to say there is some mind blowing posts in amongst the circles and I believe I am a pantheist (is that a word?) first time I have heard of that word but I have basically been preaching for at least a decade without ever knowing there is such a thing. I will research it further before I fully accept it as gospel (pardon the pun to the believers) respect to kanny, some of your posts I find truly fascinating.

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To non-believers.....

Please explain consciousness and the missing links........


One word, Evolution…… to the believers, prove the existence of god, sound like a familiar vicious circle? Have your own beliefs and live with them nobody need explain or prove otherwise to anybody else.


Evolution hasn't explained the missing links.......that's why there missing.....

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So did he have a cup of coffee or not ?

Brookies got the coffee in his vardo but it's going cold cus he's to busy steeping his hands in petril to drink it. this is also the reason you have to stand well back from the door when you go knocking, his hands are dripping wet and he don't want to get it on the handle so he has to kick it open with his feet...


Wow thats a bit random :blink: ......but whether its fact theory or illusion im all for it if it dont break the laws of physics !
I was overcome, my reality became random, my freewill became chaotic...are we any closer to the coffee?


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Found this online.

But the part i cant get my head around is this.

How did god talk to the different writer's or tell them what to write down.

And is the bible now fully finished or is it going to be added to in the future ?

Is god telling someone else in our time what to tell humanity and to write it down.

Diversity of Bible Writers

Those who wrote the Bible lived at different times, some separated by hundreds of years. In many cases they were complete strangers to one another. Some Bible writers were businessmen or traders, others were shepherds, fishermen, soldiers, physicians, preachers, kingshuman beings from all walks of life. They served under different governments, and lived within contrasting cultures and systems of philosophy.


All 66 Books of the Bible Agree

But here is the wonder of it all: When the 66 books of the Bible with their 1,189 chapters made up of 31,173 verses are brought together (KJV), we find perfect harmony in the message they convey. As the great scholar F. F. Bruce noted: "The Bible is not simply an anthology; there is a unity which binds the whole together."


The Bible writers gave God's messages by voice and pen while they lived, and when they died, their writings lived after them. These prophetic messages were then gathered together, under God's leading, in the book we call the Bible.


Who Wrote the

That's exactly right king mate, the Lord chose a worthy man, someone that was saved, that he could trust, an tested them to see, ie Abraham an his son.


All of what you wrote is correct, interesting eh mate, lol


Forgot to add, the bible is done, complete, the Lord said it's finished.


Read the last book, revelation, very interesting, have a good day

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