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Regarding theory and fact, I believe for a fact that if you put a gun to your head and pull the trigger you're going to be in a world of trouble. That's enough proof for me, if anybody disagrees they can happily show me otherwise.....

And yet people have survived such a thing unblemished, thus evidence that contradicts your 'fact'. Therefore not a fact.

Demanding a theory be proven and yet setting the qualification of proof as unattainable is not a valid argument. You've simply begun to define the limits of understanding and knowledge.

I'll give you another example then.

I'd say that it is an unquestionable fact that every person who laid their neck on a railway track and let a freight train pass over it would be brown bread, no matter how many people did it.

So that is a reasonable statement to make and other than extraordinary circumstances would certainly be true so for many people they would say your theory is indeed fact. But for those that would claim no theory is fact "because it's a theory" they would not. For those that only accept what they obverse directly as fact then they would have to watch every person be killed before they would acknowledge it as fact. For those that accept faith in its purest form, they would accept it as fact without the need to see anything.


This is my point. Proof and fact and truth can mean different things to different people. I don't really like the word for that reason.

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Not for me mate,,just a story to keep folk in line by rulers in older days...   My old gran who was a church goer,,,,,she would say the bible got it wrong,,,and God and the devil were just spelling

I've never believed in a God . My parents didn't either . I think that present day science rtf can prove that most of the bible didn't happen or would have been impossible. Moses parting the sea etc

Cain married his sister and thus God created......Norfolk !

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What francie is saying is there is micro evolution, but not Macro. Micro is where an animal changes to adapt to the conditions as with the mice. Macro is where the primeval slime became a person. All evolution is caused buy one factor, mutation. Genes mutate all the time it is only the mutations that survive that changes anything.



that very true especially with bacteria it mutates permanently hence bacterial resistance to antibiotics they evolve

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Regarding theory and fact, I believe for a fact that if you put a gun to your head and pull the trigger you're going to be in a world of trouble. That's enough proof for me, if anybody disagrees they can happily show me otherwise.....

And yet people have survived such a thing unblemished, thus evidence that contradicts your 'fact'. Therefore not a fact.

Demanding a theory be proven and yet setting the qualification of proof as unattainable is not a valid argument. You've simply begun to define the limits of understanding and knowledge.

I'll give you another example then.

I'd say that it is an unquestionable fact that every person who laid their neck on a railway track and let a freight train pass over it would be brown bread, no matter how many people did it.

Until you throw chaos theory in the mix anything that can happen will happen. ..maybe the train will derail just before it gets to you? Maybe it will break down :hmm:
I specifically said it would pass over the person ?


Not one person would survive, that's a fact in my eyes.

Edited by DogFox123
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This is one that's fascinated me since I learnt about it as a kid at school. ...

The Ophiocordyceps unilateralis fungus. ...this fungus infects a ant it then tells the ant to climb to the top of a tree and to bite down on a leaf before killing it then a mushroom pops out the ants head and spreads its spores from its high vantage point WTF! How does what's basically a mushroom do this and how can a mushroom learn to do this in the first place ?...bonkers! :laugh:

Nature will never cease to amaze...

Still none the wiser to how, why or when, when you start really looking at it all it certainly makes your brain hurt!!

Yeah its somthing else ...and its quite often the small things that happen right under our noses everyday that are the most incredible.
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The best minds the world has ever known could not create a poppy seed.....they can take it and alter it and f**k about with the base material but they can't create one from scratch.......and yet the most plausible train of thought is that it just happened by accident ?.........and this accident reoccurred billions of different times and gave birth to millions of different species and organisms?

And yet "it was made by an intelligent power" is considered ludicrous ?


Yes but if you still don't get the supported by evidence business then we really are just on two different planes of thought.

Where I've said anything is ludicrous is also confusing. What other people may think of your own theories I personally wouldn't let bother me.

If you demand proof to be absolute, in anything, then you will never get it. If you accept that evidence reduces the need for faith in a theory to a point to which it is unreasonable to believe anything else, that you can attain. That is a realistic proof.

I don't demand proof of anything (although lots of non believers claim proof......which is nothing of the sort ) but I have lots of evidence, I believe what I see and what seems logical mate......non believers take the different view that all of this great design is the product of pure chance of a chain of events set off when nothing collided with nothing and went bang !! ( a bit simplistic I grant you ! Lol)

I don't claim the high ground, I just have faith in something greater than us and that's all.......non believers on the other hand always seem to claim the high ground when the fact is, they theory is as nuts as mine.

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The best minds the world has ever known could not create a poppy seed.....they can take it and alter it and f**k about with the base material but they can't create one from scratch.......and yet the most plausible train of thought is that it just happened by accident ?.........and this accident reoccurred billions of different times and gave birth to millions of different species and organisms?

And yet "it was made by an intelligent power" is considered ludicrous ?


Yes but if you still don't get the supported by evidence business then we really are just on two different planes of thought.

Where I've said anything is ludicrous is also confusing. What other people may think of your own theories I personally wouldn't let bother me.

If you demand proof to be absolute, in anything, then you will never get it. If you accept that evidence reduces the need for faith in a theory to a point to which it is unreasonable to believe anything else, that you can attain. That is a realistic proof.

I don't demand proof of anything (although lots of non believers claim proof......which is nothing of the sort ) but I have lots of evidence, I believe what I see and what seems logical mate......non believers take the different view that all of this great design is the product of pure chance of a chain of events set off when nothing collided with nothing and went bang !! ( a bit simplistic I grant you ! Lol)

I don't claim the high ground, I just have faith in something greater than us and that's all.......non believers on the other hand always seem to claim the high ground when the fact is, they theory is as nuts as mine.

I've stayed away from this thread until recently, I just felt it totally worthless in the grand scheme. I think these things attract idiots and can be quite emotional for some folks who hold their beliefs as very personal. It's just a breeding ground for conflict.


I just want to talk about shit to better my own understanding and evolve my own thoughts. There's a lot to talk about there, none of it wrong so much as a different perspective but conveying those is probably not best done on here.

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The best minds the world has ever known could not create a poppy seed.....they can take it and alter it and f**k about with the base material but they can't create one from scratch.......and yet the most plausible train of thought is that it just happened by accident ?.........and this accident reoccurred billions of different times and gave birth to millions of different species and organisms?

And yet "it was made by an intelligent power" is considered ludicrous ?


Yes but if you still don't get the supported by evidence business then we really are just on two different planes of thought.

Where I've said anything is ludicrous is also confusing. What other people may think of your own theories I personally wouldn't let bother me.

If you demand proof to be absolute, in anything, then you will never get it. If you accept that evidence reduces the need for faith in a theory to a point to which it is unreasonable to believe anything else, that you can attain. That is a realistic proof.

I don't demand proof of anything (although lots of non believers claim proof......which is nothing of the sort ) but I have lots of evidence, I believe what I see and what seems logical mate......non believers take the different view that all of this great design is the product of pure chance of a chain of events set off when nothing collided with nothing and went bang !! ( a bit simplistic I grant you ! Lol)

I don't claim the high ground, I just have faith in something greater than us and that's all.......non believers on the other hand always seem to claim the high ground when the fact is, they theory is as nuts as mine.

I've stayed away from this thread until recently, I just felt it totally worthless in the grand scheme. I think these things attract idiots and can be quite emotional for some folks who hold their beliefs as very personal. It's just a breeding ground for conflict.


I just want to talk about shit to better my own understanding and evolve my own thoughts. There's a lot to talk about there, none of it wrong so much as a different perspective but conveying those is probably not best done on here.


Who would have thought that religion could cause conflict.... ?

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So did he have a cup of coffee or not ?

Brookies got the coffee in his vardo but it's going cold cus he's to busy steeping his hands in petril to drink it. this is also the reason you have to stand well back from the door when you go knocking, his hands are dripping wet and he don't want to get it on the handle so he has to kick it open with his feet...


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Wilfs right, they best minds cant create a seed in the lab, but it happened billions of time in past,by chance why can't they answer this?

If one of those genius scientists' had a couple of billion years to come up with an answer in betting they would ;)

Edited by mushroom
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Wilfs right, they best minds cant create a seed in the lab, but it happened billions of time in past,by chance why can't they answer this?

But just because we can't do or explain something at this point in time that doesn't automatically mean it was the work of God or aliens or whatever other point somebody's trying to prove by our failures or lack of understanding does it ...we are doing stuff with genetics today that was considered science fiction 20 years ago who knows what the next 20 years or 100 years will bring ....personally I try and keep a open mind about everything.

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Wilfs right, they best minds cant create a seed in the lab, but it happened billions of time in past,by chance why can't they answer this?

If one of those genius scientists' had a couple of billion years to come up with an answer in betting they would ;)
I'd say within a 100 years myself.
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