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Regarding theory and fact, I believe for a fact that if you put a gun to your head and pull the trigger you're going to be in a world of trouble. That's enough proof for me, if anybody disagrees they can happily show me otherwise.....

And yet people have survived such a thing unblemished, thus evidence that contradicts your 'fact'. Therefore not a fact.


Demanding a theory be proven and yet setting the qualification of proof as unattainable is not a valid argument. You've simply begun to define the limits of understanding and knowledge.

Edited by Born Hunter
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Not for me mate,,just a story to keep folk in line by rulers in older days...   My old gran who was a church goer,,,,,she would say the bible got it wrong,,,and God and the devil were just spelling

I've never believed in a God . My parents didn't either . I think that present day science rtf can prove that most of the bible didn't happen or would have been impossible. Moses parting the sea etc

Cain married his sister and thus God created......Norfolk !

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Men can't get any further along the road of proof other than what they can feel, see, hear, touch and taste.....beyond that is faith.

Believers and non believers both have a theory.......none of it is proven except non believers keep insisting they have proof.....which they don't !

They then mock people who have a faith even though they themselves have no proof of their statements.....that's nonsense to me mate.

But the difference is the vast majority of scientists believe in evolution due to the sheer volume of supporting evidence.

On the creationists side are a handful of Midwest scientist that rarely have qualifications in relevant sciences and a book they have blind faith in.

I have watched pseudo scientific documentaries by such people. They start with a premise that the bible is fact, then they desperately try and shoehorn supporting material into the story.

It was so far from science that it was utterly ridiculous.

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The best minds the world has ever known could not create a poppy seed.....they can take it and alter it and f**k about with the base material but they can't create one from scratch.......and yet the most plausible train of thought is that it just happened by accident ?.........and this accident reoccurred billions of different times and gave birth to millions of different species and organisms?

And yet "it was made by an intelligent power" is considered ludicrous ?



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Yes but has he really got a cup of coffee ?

He can imagine he has, but is it real?...



Well apparently if you point a loaded gun at your head and squeeze the trigger it doesn't necessarily do any harm so........Bornhunter if this coffee actually exists can you please pour it over your nut and tell us if you got wet please.......just for the sake of scientific evidence you understand ;)

Edited by gnasher16
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This is one that's fascinated me since I learnt about it as a kid at school. ...


The Ophiocordyceps unilateralis fungus. ...this fungus infects a ant it then tells the ant to climb to the top of a tree and to bite down on a leaf before killing it then a mushroom pops out the ants head and spreads its spores from its high vantage point WTF! How does what's basically a mushroom do this and how can a mushroom learn to do this in the first place ?...bonkers! :laugh:


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This is one that's fascinated me since I learnt about it as a kid at school. ...

The Ophiocordyceps unilateralis fungus. ...this fungus infects a ant it then tells the ant to climb to the top of a tree and to bite down on a leaf before killing it then a mushroom pops out the ants head and spreads its spores from its high vantage point WTF! How does what's basically a mushroom do this and how can a mushroom learn to do this in the first place ?...bonkers! :laugh:

Nature will never cease to amaze...

Still none the wiser to how, why or when, when you start really looking at it all it certainly makes your brain hurt!!

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Let's say, what we in the western world would class as a "mad man" has delusions, sees things that no one else around him can, hears voices only audible to himself, to him it is totally real, it is his reality. If his "madness" spread and became visible/audible to others, it would soon become reality to them also. Reality is only what you're experiencing at any given time and can change quite drastically. Like I said it is accepted only because so many experience it at the same time. In some cultures these "mad men" are revered, "shaman/holy men" if you will...just a train of thought...


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The best minds the world has ever known could not create a poppy seed.....they can take it and alter it and f**k about with the base material but they can't create one from scratch.......and yet the most plausible train of thought is that it just happened by accident ?.........and this accident reoccurred billions of different times and gave birth to millions of different species and organisms?

And yet "it was made by an intelligent power" is considered ludicrous ?


Yes but if you still don't get the supported by evidence business then we really are just on two different planes of thought.


Where I've said anything is ludicrous is also confusing. What other people may think of your own theories I personally wouldn't let bother me.


If you demand proof to be absolute, in anything, then you will never get it. If you accept that evidence reduces the need for faith in a theory to a point to which it is unreasonable to believe anything else, that you can attain. That is a realistic proof.

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Regarding theory and fact, I believe for a fact that if you put a gun to your head and pull the trigger you're going to be in a world of trouble. That's enough proof for me, if anybody disagrees they can happily show me otherwise.....

And yet people have survived such a thing unblemished, thus evidence that contradicts your 'fact'. Therefore not a fact.


Demanding a theory be proven and yet setting the qualification of proof as unattainable is not a valid argument. You've simply begun to define the limits of understanding and knowledge.

I'll give you another example then.


I'd say that it is an unquestionable fact that every person who laid their neck on a railway track and let a freight train pass over it would be brown bread, no matter how many people did it.

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Regarding theory and fact, I believe for a fact that if you put a gun to your head and pull the trigger you're going to be in a world of trouble. That's enough proof for me, if anybody disagrees they can happily show me otherwise.....

And yet people have survived such a thing unblemished, thus evidence that contradicts your 'fact'. Therefore not a fact.

Demanding a theory be proven and yet setting the qualification of proof as unattainable is not a valid argument. You've simply begun to define the limits of understanding and knowledge.

I'll give you another example then.

I'd say that it is an unquestionable fact that every person who laid their neck on a railway track and let a freight train pass over it would be brown bread, no matter how many people did it.

Until you throw chaos theory in the mix anything that can happen will happen. ..maybe the train will derail just before it gets to you? Maybe it will break down :hmm:
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