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Not for me mate,,just a story to keep folk in line by rulers in older days...   My old gran who was a church goer,,,,,she would say the bible got it wrong,,,and God and the devil were just spelling

I've never believed in a God . My parents didn't either . I think that present day science rtf can prove that most of the bible didn't happen or would have been impossible. Moses parting the sea etc

Cain married his sister and thus God created......Norfolk !

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Basically how can there be a god with all the suffering thats going on ? and nobody has come back and said all your pain and suffering goes away once you get to heaven ?.

This is why I like the pantheism idea God is nature the good the bad and the ugly it's all natural have a read.



As Nature and its creative forces, God is everything --all visible matter and all invisible vibrating energy within matter. Divinity fills the universe, at once infinitesimal and infinite, from the smallest atomic particle to the largest galaxy. This perception of god as both the tangible world and the intangible energy underlying the world comprises the pantheistic concept of deity.

The stars, the Sun, the Earth, and every living thing are manifestations of Nature's creative energy. The origin of it all remains incomprehensible, the tremendous mystery. Scholar Joseph Campbell describes the energy as "an undefinable, inconceivable mystery, thought of as a power, that is the source and end and supporting ground of all life and being."

Some Pantheists sense Nature's creative energy as a divine presence, and feel themselves at one with the Universe through this felt presence of divinity. Such feelings may be termed 'mystical' in that they stem from direct communion with the ineffable "supporting ground of all life and being." These feelings arise from the wonder and mystery of Nature, and have nothing to do with supernaturalism. While other religions seek oneness with a supernatural deity, Pantheism finds oneness with a natural deity, in other words, with Nature (the material world, and the powers and processes that produce and control all phenomena in the Universe). Nature is ultimate reality.

Although Nature produced conditions amenable to life on Earth, that same energy brings death, disease, and natural disasters. From a human standpoint, Nature is far from perfect-- its generative powers show indifference to humanity.

But to realize that divinity resides in a rattlesnake as well as in a robin, and in a hurricane as much as in a breeze, helps to explain the good, the bad, and the ugly in the world. In most cases, the joys of living eclipse the darker happenings, and Natures greatest treasure-- the gift of life itself-- enriches all our days.

To accept Nature and its creative forces as they are, rather than accede to man-made visions of a ideal realm, engenders a surprisingly carefree confidence. The winds of truth set us free, and its exhilarating updrafts lift us to new spiritual heights.

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I don't believe in God or allah or any other deity, I mostly relate to foxdropper's views in this thread, but I know I cannot prove my views and I have no interest in doing so. I haven't seen anybody PROVE Francie's views false and find it strange that seems to frustrate people. Why would Francie change his views because of somebody else's opinion or belief? As stated the world's best scientists cannot PROVE his beliefs wrong, why get upset if he won't change for anybody on here? Or maybe we should twist it into an argument whether Francie has an open mind or not, that is meaningful.

Scientists have proved creationism to be bollocks a thousand times over, it is so f***ing obsurd that scientists do not even give the evangelicals debating time any more.

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To my mind, and I'm sure someone will set me right if I'm wrong, the Big Bang THEORY is just that a theory !!.......and if everything stems from Big Bang then it must follow that it too is theory......theory is not proof last I heard.

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To my mind, and I'm sure someone will set me right if I'm wrong, the Big Bang THEORY is just that a theory !!.......and if everything stems from Big Bang then it must follow that it too is theory......theory is not proof last I heard.


Everything you think you know as fact is theory then. This cup of coffee I'm drinking is theoretical in that sense. I'm sure it's real, everyone else agrees with me but is it not possible that it's all an illusion and in fact I'm mistaken?


A theory is an explanation for what is what. The important bit is how supported that theory is with evidence. Observations, thought experiments, mathematics. The more you gather and the more you challenge it the closer it gets to being proven.......


All that considered, at what point do you consider something proven? Can we all agree that it's proven that the sun will rise in the morning? Yes? So it's an absolute impossibility that it won't?

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To my mind, and I'm sure someone will set me right if I'm wrong, the Big Bang THEORY is just that a theory !!.......and if everything stems from Big Bang then it must follow that it too is theory......theory is not proof last I heard.


Everything you think you know as fact is theory then. This cup of coffee I'm drinking is theoretical in that sense. I'm sure it's real, everyone else agrees with me but is it not possible that it's all an illusion and in fact I'm mistaken?


A theory is an explanation for what is what. The important bit is how supported that theory is with evidence. Observations, thought experiments, mathematics. The more you gather and the more you challenge it the closer it gets to being proven.......


All that considered, at what point do you consider something proven? Can we all agree that it's proven that the sun will rise in the morning? Yes? So it's an absolute impossibility that it won't?

We know that your cup of coffee exists.......the theory is how the ingredients got there.......I shouldn't have to tell you that mate ;)


Very out of character for you to be flippant like your first paragraph mate, you sound like one of the plebs trying to make people look a fool.....your better than that buddy. ;)

Edited by WILF
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I agree mate


If the church didn't lust after money an just follwed Jesus it would gran, but not all churches are like that.


Bible says love of money is the foot of all evil




Here's armitages findings he published in past reviewed scientific journal that for him sacked.

The same research that Dr Mary Schweitzer carried out on soft tissue from a T. rex that she found, it's all to do with iron in the body.


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To my mind, and I'm sure someone will set me right if I'm wrong, the Big Bang THEORY is just that a theory !!.......and if everything stems from Big Bang then it must follow that it too is theory......theory is not proof last I heard.

Everything you think you know as fact is theory then. This cup of coffee I'm drinking is theoretical in that sense. I'm sure it's real, everyone else agrees with me but is it not possible that it's all an illusion and in fact I'm mistaken?


A theory is an explanation for what is what. The important bit is how supported that theory is with evidence. Observations, thought experiments, mathematics. The more you gather and the more you challenge it the closer it gets to being proven.......


All that considered, at what point do you consider something proven? Can we all agree that it's proven that the sun will rise in the morning? Yes? So it's an absolute impossibility that it won't?

We know that your cup of coffee exists.......the theory is how the ingredients got there.......I shouldn't have to tell you that mate ;)



How do we? Because me and you say it does? Why must we be right just because we agree? I'm sure every sane person would agree with such simple and tangible observations, which adds a huge mass of support to it being true but it does not eliminate any other possible explanation. So at what point is it proven? This is a really fundamental question about reality and truth.

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Men can't get any further along the road of proof other than what they can feel, see, hear, touch and taste.....beyond that is faith.

Believers and non believers both have a theory.......none of it is proven except non believers keep insisting they have proof.....which they don't !

They then mock people who have a faith even though they themselves have no proof of their statements.....that's nonsense to me mate.

Edited by WILF
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