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Not for me mate,,just a story to keep folk in line by rulers in older days...   My old gran who was a church goer,,,,,she would say the bible got it wrong,,,and God and the devil were just spelling

I've never believed in a God . My parents didn't either . I think that present day science rtf can prove that most of the bible didn't happen or would have been impossible. Moses parting the sea etc

Cain married his sister and thus God created......Norfolk !

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Moving on. I have just been watching a thing called "the long march to freedom".......for anyone that don't know it's about when the Germans marched out the inmates of Stalag VIII B with an hours notice in -25 conditions and made them walk a 1000km to Germany.......they died like flies on that walk.

I knew an old boy rather well who was in that camp (he would be 96 years old now), he did that walk......his best mate who he had gone through all those 5 years behind the wire with was killed just as they were finally liberated at the end of that march........


The only thing that old boy lost his faith in was people.............he still had a faith in god till the day he died.


Always found that interesting......

Edited by WILF
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Haha this clown again, he just said his uncle molested him when he was younger an everyone laughed, good crowd.


Facts lol everything he said is lies.


They profess themselves to be wise, but they are fools.



Here for you are the stand up ripping atheists oooh I'm dying too, nah

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Ill probably offend a few on here but IMO if you really, really believe there is a fat bloke sat on a cloud somewhere called God, and think that when you die there is a place that your mind/thoughts/soul magically goes to all by itself even though your body has died then your either not all there or a complete fuckwit.

Religion was just to control the masses, nothing else.

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Swayed me?

try rational thinking!


Look@the bible and what RE teachers said,then i looked@ evolution side of it. Darwin physics biology etc.

It was a no brainer for me. I also stopped believing in fairy stories when i was around 7 years old. If i was being asked which to believe in. The dead returning to life. Parting of oceans. An imaginary arc blah blah blah! Well im not going to even entertain such nonsense.its very entertaining in indiana Jones movies,but there it ends for me.


as for egos well the church and its hierarchy certainly has that covered!

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Swayed me?

try rational thinking!


Look@the bible and what RE teachers said,then i looked@ evolution side of it. Darwin physics biology etc.

It was a no brainer for me. I also stopped believing in fairy stories when i was around 7 years old. If i was being asked which to believe in. The dead returning to life. Parting of oceans. An imaginary arc blah blah blah! Well im not going to even entertain such nonsense.its very entertaining in indiana Jones movies,but there it ends for me.


as for egos well the church and its hierarchy certainly has that covered!

Thanks for reply pal


An I know what your saying about church, I don't go.


What if I said to you that Darwin never seen eviloution, no one has, all he done was observe an document finchs, a good variation, colours etc but it was still a bird was it not.

We're is Darwin's physics, they ain't none.

Darwin even said himself, if in the future they don't find transitional fossils his theory would be doomed.


Mate I'm not trying to change your view or annoy you, but we need the truth.


The big bang is a fairytale, billions of years ago, no one was there to see it, was they, it's a fairytale not science.

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I reccon if Dynamo had been about donkeys yrs ago he would have treated as a god, my take on the term god is simply someone seen by others as having logic defying abilities, they would be classed as '' entertainers '' in modern day terms



He would more likely have been dipped in the river 3 times or burned at the stake

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