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Cutting Going On Full Belt But

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Had a good drive a few days back plenty of stuff coming down and a lot are ploughing the stubbles back in straight away. Seen a fair few half and 3/4 growns about but the bucks and does seem to be paired up. Seen a fair few break cover and all seemed to be in pairs , need a good bout of rain and then a good freeze to put them back a bit otherwise milky does in November. Whats happening in the rest of the country?

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Had a good drive a few days back plenty of stuff coming down and a lot are ploughing the stubbles back in straight away. Seen a fair few half and 3/4 growns about but the bucks and does seem to be paired up. Seen a fair few break cover and all seemed to be in pairs , need a good bout of rain and then a good freeze to put them back a bit otherwise milky does in November. Whats happening in the rest of the country?

Same around many areas down where we are :thumbs:.

Think it's probably the same in most areas around the country really db, apart from maybe further north, northern parts of scotland etc?

Edited by shaaark
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Maybe it was beacase i was younger it felt colder but 15 years ago the winters was brutal iceacle bushes black ice frozen ground. Different these days

Was definitely colder for longer back then than what it is now. January 1978 and 1980, epecially 78, were good, or bad. depending on your viewpoint lol, years for snow. 1978 we had 3-4 foot of snow right along our streets, and 6-7 foot drifts all over the place. Many parts of south wales came to a standstill. Main roads were cut off, travel of any sort was really disrupted. Seasons were very much still seasons then. They're all over the place now, warm and wet for much of the year now, mad :thumbs:

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Far to hot to even run anything round here even when we have a spell of rain it's still warm rain , we need a cold snap and sharpish the dogs are bouncing and the fields are cut just this f***ing weather. I travelled 15o mile round trip just for one run over the weekend and it was worth it but funny how it can be right in certain areas but not in others I think it's gunna be like this till end of September locally.

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