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Who Has Pure Nuttall Terriers

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3 good bitches

When the love of money becomes more than the love of the dogs, the whole things f****d, jmho

Who gives a f**k what colour they come once they work

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just read this thread from start to finish and it's obvious to me that daniel cain is an inbred with little knowledge.

you gingers have to stick together-it's a tuff old world out there.you take care not to go blind with all that wanking you do still being a 40 yr old virginity ;).atb dc
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just read this thread from start to finish and it's obvious to me that daniel cain is an inbred with little knowledge.

you gingers have to stick together-it's a tuff old world out there.you take care not to go blind with all that wanking you do still being a 40 yr old virginity ;).atb dc


that post is typical daniel cain.nothing meaningful in it and false.i don't stick with gingers i avoid other gingers at all costs,it's not a TOUGH world out there,i won't be going blind,i'm not 40 and i haven't been a virgin for nearly 20 years.

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love you gumbo :).do you keep any terriers pal or just the deer hound X's? I found your posts about them quite informative if im honest.enjoy your season. Atb dc

just read this thread from start to finish and it's obvious to me that daniel cain is an inbred with little knowledge.


you gingers have to stick together-it's a tuff old world out there.you take care not to go blind with all that wanking you do still being a 40 yr old virginity ;).atb dc

that post is typical daniel cain.nothing meaningful in it and false.i don't stick with gingers i avoid other gingers at all costs,it's not a TOUGH world out there,i won't be going blind,i'm not 40 and i haven't been a virgin for nearly 20 years.
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The original title was pure nuttal dogs but the fact of the matter is the man will buy in litters and sell them on as his own and even keep stuff from these litters and breed them into his own stock so how does anybody know if they have a pure nuttal dog.

No, I've heard he sometimes buys stuff in from his own line and such. Of course if you hear that a dog down from you is dynamite then it would be good practice to use it as a stud...
Not always from his breeding but the pedigrees claim they are when they leave his place and that's a fact.
If there dogs off his line what's the problem? I know of one bloke local to me who he used to buy them in off.
like I said not always his breeding and then puts fake pedigrees on them
If they're down from his own dogs what's the big deal? Keeping in touch with lads who are out digging week-in week-out and asking to buy in or use these dogs as studs is a sensible thing to do.

If he's lying and making up pedigrees how do you know this, had your pants down or something?

No because I wouldn't buy a dog from him.But I know he's bought spare pups from a couple of litters that I guy I know very well had which went his breeding.I also know that at least a couple of the pups got sold on with peds saying they were his breeding.
So basically they are off his line, the man is around 80 years old, give him a break. The man has had a massive positive impact on the working terrier and that's a fact.
I know what your saying dogfox but in the end of the day doesn't matter weather he's been in the game for years and produced brilliant terrier . Still doesn't excuse the fact that he's selling any old shit nowadays and putting his paper work to them . I know of litter him and Gould have bought in nothing to do with there lines and they've both sold them as there's . I've met both on more than one occasion . And really enjoyed the crack with both of them could stay there all day and did . But imo they've both lost that touch of respect .
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Hi All, This maybe a little controversial and I am not looking for all the normal comments that people feel the need to post about Brian Nuttall and his terriers. What I am interested to know is whether there are any lads or lasses out there who have pure Nuttall blood in their kennels, and can they trace the breeding 3 or 4 generations ??

I personally have a yard full of pure Nuttall blood which can be traced back to Brian’s yard, back to Buster, Toady & Miner lines.

When dollar gets into working terrier breeding the working element comes second best to price.Its a known fact that many a terrier litter is sold at premium rate with Nuttal as the breeder,its also a known fact that Nuttal bought litters in to sell.Id have owned an early litter he bred,id run a marathon faster than a Kenyan to get away from his breeding now.

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my pal had a dog some years back that come off B Nuttals yard. he was black with a white chest and one white foot. ruff coated little dog. he was a desant dog to dig to. used to get hammered when young but settled down to a very reliable dog.

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my pal had a dog some years back that come off B Nuttals yard. he was black with a white chest and one white foot. ruff coated little dog. he was a desant dog to dig to. used to get hammered when young but settled down to a very reliable dog.

See, don't always listen to stories off folk...

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