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A Question On Wasps?

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Been reading about wasps for the last few years and how the numbers of nests fluctuate from year to year. Of course that is a natural occurrence, given weather and local favourable or non favourable conditions. A few questions have sprung to mind.


Does a nest produce the same numbers of queens each year or is it haphazard in the selection of the queens? If a nest only produces one queen each year would that mean that for each nest destroyed there would be one less nest next year?


Does each area fluctuate from year to year? Say you have a bumper year this year, does it follow that you have a quieter year the next?


I understand that the type of Winter we have will have a bearing on the amount of queens that survive the Winter, so will where the wasps decide to nest as to whether you will be called out or not.


This year to date I have seen two wasps and those have been in the last six days. We usually have at least one nest somewhere around the house every year, but this year I have not even seen a wasp nest anywhere in the area.



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Each nest produces upto 1500 queens, most die over winter by being eaten by spiders or warm winters bringing them out of hibernation early. Numbers fluctuate naturally but 2008/9 (I think it was) was a very good year! I did 800+ That year!


There's plenty wasps around Wiltshire that's for sure it may just be you don't notice them. I found a nest in a roof yesterday when at a friends wedding when just stood drinking pimms.

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  On 10/09/2016 at 17:50, ratattack said:

Each nest produces upto 1500 queens, most die over winter by being eaten by spiders or warm winters bringing them out of hibernation early. Numbers fluctuate naturally but 2008/9 (I think it was) was a very good year! I did 800+ That year!


There's plenty wasps around Wiltshire that's for sure it may just be you don't notice them. I found a nest in a roof yesterday when at a friends wedding when just stood drinking pimms.

I had not googled it on purpose, as I thought it might be worth getting the people who deal with them on a regular basis views first. I can usually spot a wasps nest in an area as I am allergic to the stings and get a really bad reaction if stung, so I am always alert to wasps. But even picking blackberries this year they have been conspicuous by their absence and not feeding on the ripe fruits.


What percentage of a possible 1500 queens do you think reach maturity?



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Over the last 2 mornings have been up at 5am for my main job.

Let dogs out in garden. Both mornings wasp have come into kitchen and others on the glass outside.


It is very dark at 5am. I would have thought the wasps would be tucked up in the nest .


Do wasps hunt at night? And then are attracted to the uv light in kitchen??

Edited by shropshire mole
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