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Frustrating Evening In The Foxes!

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All started Thursday evening, last two blocks of wheat was being combined so bound to be some foxes in it. I was still at work when first block was being done but managed to get up there ready for the last block. I arrived to see they had only just started so had a quick drive round to check feeders and walk birds in. Get the 3 pens done then get a call, where are you one just ran out! Oh bugger I'm on my way, sit for three hours nothing until very last strip and a cub runs out bang it's down. That's 12 been had whilst combining so not bad going. So plan was to get back out Friday night and get the one which was missed.


Get to the shoot at 10:00 lovely cloudy night with a light breeze. First one I saw was about 150 yards away. I squeaked it into about 50 yards, got the rifle onto it, it walked to the hedge and stopped, would have been a perfect shot but couldn't take it as there is a house other side of the hedge! One two houses back into the the shoot and this bugger has to stand next to one! Drive on 500 yards spot another sitting next to a strip of game cover, get the rifle up to it and just as I do so little sod turns and strolls into the cover ? a bloody annoying evening! Spotted two barn owls and about 7 roe which was nice to see though...

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