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ive been a little pre occupied the last week to 10 days so the dogs have been having it easy but with the wind being a nice pace today and rain forcast all night i thought i would try the pup out for a while on the lamp. i set off just before the rain started and got to one of my favourit fields for running pups on, but tonight it just wasnt to be as i only saw 1 rabbit and that went like shit off a stick as soon has the beam touched it lol.


i walked another 2 adjoining fields only seeing the 2 more rabbits with that i decided to try another spot as i got there and in through the first gate the first rabbit was in the bag but the rape was just a tad to tall to see much. so into the next field by this time the rain had started and as i approached the far corner there was a nice little squatter which was in the bag in no time.


i nipped over the road into another field but the grass was to long and i didnt spot a rabbit, how ever the field next to it produced another 2 rabbits which i dont think i would have had if it wasnt for the rain helping us out a little.


he will be 6 months old on monday. tonights bag has knocked his total upto 13 rabbits so far.



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well done the pup, coming on nice and steady , when the weather changes as the season goes on , and get a dark/windy night he will be spot on and ready. i remember when Bryn was young about 9 months old , i took him out on real dark/windy night in dec , he got 18 rabbits it really does there confidence the world of good , with the right night . :yes:

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Ben coming good trigg for yas miiiint cryuff had three day time bunnies a long tail and a red leg his swimming his excellent now just doing some catty shooting with him he retrieving shot stuff feather etc he not seen the dazzler yet ,just mooching with him fa now.atb fa season atb bunnies.

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