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Brian Nuttall

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Go on I'll accommodate this thread lol the ancestors of this dog go back to mr Nuttals yard best dog I've had for a long while

You sir do sound like an anti to me. Nobody asks that many questions. Gathering information is all your at. Anybody with half a brain cell wouldn't respond to your posts.

I'm not trying to offend you or Brian, it's a case of horses for courses, 12 lbs would be of no use to me or 90% of the UK's terrier men. Brian's had a massive influence on terriers, so have hundreds

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  On 13/09/2017 at 09:34, .177diesel said:


  On 13/09/2017 at 09:11, king said:

177 diesel.

You are asking for advice on here.

Then calling everyone c##ts and pricks.

Go luck in your quest.

Shovel shy said to Pablo I'm not genuine I don't get what s not genuine about a lad who wants to kill some shit I might not be from the countryside but I can like hunting. And what's wrong with wanting to hunt hogs with dog's? People donut it's a thing I've seen it with my own eyes. They have boar in France n other parts of Europe don't they?

A lad who wants to kill some shit.

Grow up a bit would be my advice.

You talk like you are 13.

If you want to kill boar.

Why don't you go over to France.

And tell us your story's.

Your missus won't let you have a dog.

You best go and play cowboys and Indians down the woods with your bow and mates.

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  On 13/09/2017 at 10:45, .177diesel said:


  On 13/09/2017 at 10:07, Whitebuck said:

I would say his mammy didnt let him reproduce. c**ts that useless he found a woman who already had kids, he hasnt the balls to stand up to her so he deffo wudnt have the balls to reproduce.

if your trying to make me f**k the misses of n become a p***y travelling the country not paying tax

and being a theiving b*****d n hunting to feed yourself cus your two thick two read n fill out an application form for a proper job. Your going the right way about it.

In all seriousness I don't have anything against travellers or Irish people in general your just all the ones of met bar a couple helpful people on here are c**ts




Say's a lot about you if us thick Irish cnuts can wind you up so easy.

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