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Quick mooch this afternoon with Pointer, Ste and Eddytom thoroughly enjoyed it again, six kills

It was a hard week with the wind but we managed to catch a couple of rabbits and a moorhen and then both hawks did well on Saturday out with Fourtrak and Eddytom. Yesterday I went to a wooded area and

My young pointer is unfit and fat, my hawk is still fat and fairly unresponsive and I've put a stone of blubber on over the summer due to spending most of my weekends this summer sat in a bivvy eating

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Mines a big lad weighing about 70lb but he is seriously agile with it. I wish I'd filmed him out ratting and catching rabbits because it was something to see. He was allowed to catch whatever he could until a few years ago and I think it's pretty clever of him to be steady out with the hawks. He will peg the odd rabbit if it doesn't flush but they are usually mixied, even then I think he flushes that hard that he pushes rabbits against the cover and they just break and can't run. My young pointer should be steadier as she hasn't been allowed to please herself.


I spent this afternoon out with the hawk and my mates sprocker. At first she had a bit scream and wouldn't follow on but after a while she kept up and we saw her fly after a few things including a good chase on a squirrel. We didn't catch anything and I don't think she was fully committed at times due to the new dog being in the same cover below her but that doesn't bother me. It'll be worth the odd blank to get her working with a spaniel which will help in the heavy cover/wooded areas we hunt through.

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Mines a big lad weighing about 70lb but he is seriously agile with it. I wish I'd filmed him out ratting and catching rabbits because it was something to see. He was allowed to catch whatever he could until a few years ago and I think it's pretty clever of him to be steady out with the hawks. He will peg the odd rabbit if it doesn't flush but they are usually mixied, even then I think he flushes that hard that he pushes rabbits against the cover and they just break and can't run. My young pointer should be steadier as she hasn't been allowed to please herself.


I spent this afternoon out with the hawk and my mates sprocker. At first she had a bit scream and wouldn't follow on but after a while she kept up and we saw her fly after a few things including a good chase on a squirrel. We didn't catch anything and I don't think she was fully committed at times due to the new dog being in the same cover below her but that doesn't bother me. It'll be worth the odd blank to get her working with a spaniel which will help in the heavy cover/wooded areas we hunt through.

Yeah mine is a lump of a dog but he's fast and will run all day everyday if you want him too. I don't let him chase anything if I can help it he has pegged the occasional rabbit. He marks burys well and will hunt and point all day long, he covers the ground well and knows where to look for game. The hawk will follow him better than me lol, she knows exactly when he has found some scent and will rush to get over him. Its great to watch them work as a team just spectating and watching it all gel together.


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It took time but my hawk works well with my pointers now and is great with the ferrets. Its been worth the effort but there were times when I thought I'd have to get another hawk in.

Yes some Harris's just don't like dogs full stop, some will work with YOUR dog only, and some seem fine with any dogs. Mine is very good with dogs and the ferrets she accepted them all in no time at all and has never looked sideways at a ferret.

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Mine grabbed a ferret on her first time out with them but she must have known her mistake as she let go and the ferret was fine. Since then she's been great with any ferret of any colour, on one occasion when she was in a tree the ferret grabbed the rabbit which then bolted and she waited until the rabbit pulled free before taking it. Fourtrak73 was there that day and I find it amazing these hawks can be so clever, almost like dogs at times.


I had mine back out late yesterday when the temperature dropped a little. She seemed to follow the sprocker better and was trying to catch stuff in the ridiculously thick cover. She ended up catching a big rat but I didn't get a picture as I was too concerned with getting it pinned down and her off the thing before it bit her. I actually like rat hawking but it gets the heart going when I think she hasn't got a good hold.

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Great thread , I do miss my HH and GWP. But not got the time with everything else , lost my gwp a few years ago now and my next pup will be a gwp.


If I get to retire and fit enough I will get another HH too. Keep up the good work lads

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