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Just Hate Some People

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Give him a all, calm and collected - prepare what you want to say, reiterate your conversation when he engaged you on the terms that you agreed. Don't negotiate.Inform him you will give him a week t

You don't need a live mole to get a mole hil or two,,,,just some earth.....

Ask if you can use their toilet and then shit in the cistern.

This particular customer (No longer a customer) is a local businessman, lives in a large detached property, expensive cars.

Can only assume that he is so used to paying his employees peanuts that will not pay me what was agreed.


He said would only pay less than half the bill as that is all its worth, the real insult is that he thinks catching moles (7 moles) is really easy.


I told him not to bother sending any money and don`t ever call me again, felt good at the time, by now as I write this I am hoping that he does pay at least something to cover fuel if nothing else. I was even recommended to him from another customer!!


Luckily, people like him are very rare :victory:

He sounds a right 'a......e', mate,....(& i assume your 'price' , was fair, too ?) He had no intention, of giving you the 'full amount', his type !,........i kind of understand, your response ?,....but have a re-think, you shouldnt really let it go, so easily ?,.......(no matter how you respond, as we all react differently, as individuals ?)

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It's a pain in the arse having to go through the hassle of it, but if I was in your shoes I'd use the small claims court. I've only had to do it 3 or 4 times in 20 odd years but every time I've been awarded the full amount of the claim.

I have no experience,...but this sounds, the 'way to go', maybe ?

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I will try and get the money, I only have a verbal agreement, and nothing in writing (That`s a lesson learned, always get it in writing/email).

We had a telephone conversation, agreed terms and he was at work/busy every time I called by to set/check traps, so have never actually met him


Will keep sending/take around invoices, but I guess it will end up with either nothing or his reduced amount.

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Had a farmer 25 years ago had me clear a field of rabbits when I gave him the bill he thanked me for doing a good job and said if none come back in six months he would pay me,I said I would give him one week to reconsider or face the consequences he just smiled and said I did not no who I was dealing with I replied best do your home work on who your dealing with,60 life rats later through is cat flap he decided to pay in full.

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Give him a all, calm and collected - prepare what you want to say, reiterate your conversation when he engaged you on the terms that you agreed.

Don't negotiate.Inform him you will give him a week to pay in full and that if no money is forthcoming that you will start small claims court action. Keep polite and professional 'you are in control of the situation not him' no matter what big shot he thinks he is. Follow it up with a copy invoice and a letter covering the conversation you had.

You have no written contract but a verbal contract is just as good. I am sure you can produce a hatful of invoices for 'like jobs' you have done and could get statements from good clients as to your charges and terms.

It may be a little faff and stuff that many of us are not so good at but call in a favour from someone that is good at admin if you need to.

You can do the application online and you can add your interest on the sum, costs you have incurred chasing the bill, time for calls, letters, filling out the application and gathering your supporting evidence etc.

I understand that most people that go to the effort get a result if they have all their ducks in a line.

The satisfaction of getting the cash in, and sticking it to him will be great, any acts after dark will usually backfire and leave you in the sh1t.

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Your lesson has been learned.... Better being caught for a smaller job than a big one.


I got caught by a very big company two years ago with a rabbit job and had to take them to court...I did get paid in the end but it was a headache.


Get everything in writing no matter how small. I have some template type contracts that you can fill in for different jobs, I will email them to you...they have covered me a few times.

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Give him a all, calm and collected - prepare what you want to say, reiterate your conversation when he engaged you on the terms that you agreed.

Don't negotiate.Inform him you will give him a week to pay in full and that if no money is forthcoming that you will start small claims court action. Keep polite and professional 'you are in control of the situation not him' no matter what big shot he thinks he is. Follow it up with a copy invoice and a letter covering the conversation you had.

You have no written contract but a verbal contract is just as good. I am sure you can produce a hatful of invoices for 'like jobs' you have done and could get statements from good clients as to your charges and terms.

It may be a little faff and stuff that many of us are not so good at but call in a favour from someone that is good at admin if you need to.

You can do the application online and you can add your interest on the sum, costs you have incurred chasing the bill, time for calls, letters, filling out the application and gathering your supporting evidence etc.

I understand that most people that go to the effort get a result if they have all their ducks in a line.

The satisfaction of getting the cash in, and sticking it to him will be great, any acts after dark will usually backfire and leave you in the sh1t.

Goodness me, Talpa !,... couldnt get more 'comprehensive' advice, of how to go about, taking the steps you need, to deal with this type of situation ? (brilliant)

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This particular customer (No longer a customer) is a local businessman, lives in a large detached property, expensive cars.

Can only assume that he is so used to paying his employees peanuts that will not pay me what was agreed.


He said would only pay less than half the bill as that is all its worth, the real insult is that he thinks catching moles (7 moles) is really easy.


I told him not to bother sending any money and don`t ever call me again, felt good at the time, by now as I write this I am hoping that he does pay at least something to cover fuel if nothing else. I was even recommended to him from another customer!!


Luckily, people like him are very rare :victory:


You should get paid up front,,,,one I've set the traps,,,I say to the customer are you paying by cheque or cash,,,,if they don't want to pay then,,,,traps come out,,,

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