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To go back to the original topic is the answer not simply to get the Patterdale terrier registered with the KC or AKC ? Then a breed standard will be written in stone and the honest breeders will gladly not sell pups of the wrong colour and also take pups that turn up in litters from their stock for 1 or 2 generations ? Then as long as no one gets to hear about it the rest of the blood remains pure bred. And everyone has peace of mind. And owns pure bred 100 per cent real deal stuff. As happened with the Parson Russell Terrier.

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If you thought the parents were good enough to breed from why would a colour bother you ? Half the reason terrier work has gone tits upwards is people breeding for colour or stamp, work is the reason

There's no such mythical animal as a "pure Patterdale " , they've got border, bull and Black and tan in the mix. They're a relatively new type, show me any pictures of a family of "pure Patterdale "

Rippem the reason we all say it's a throw back is because we all know there's no such thing as a pure Patterdale. You're getting obsessed with a piece of paper and a colour. The line of terriers I ke

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If they're bred from working stock that's been from a mans yard, from dogs you've seen dug over and they worked well and you wanted a pup! Then what's the problem? If you buy a dog in not knowing much that's a different scenario.

All these good dogs came from men's yards, very little bitches though, Some of the best producing bitches were substandard, good solid bitches are few and far between. Yes there's many men have yards of well bred dogs.. Thing is there's men not even on here or even would know about this forum that have dogs and bitches and 3 or 4 foot digs is ok when your just digging your dogs in burrows of your own choice. Though the lads that don't care about depth or colour of a dog but test them to the full for working ability, is what matters more.

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Rippem , men who have good black dogs which work produce and dont throw dogs out white in the litters arnt on this site or commenting.and some same men have different dogs , not just black . and places the work them and how much the dig and what the know is second to none

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What some of you are saying is that if you went to a breeder for a Shepard for a dog to protect the family and it was crossed with a Mal and the breeder lied about the breeding it shouldn't matter as long as it protects. That's nonsense. And every time you keep breeding out side a line you get inconsistent litters. And then when you bred a different bred to another bred your taking a gamble on how they will turn out.thats called a mutt. Might as well go to the pound and pick a dog. And I believe if a breeder tells you how the parents peds are they pop up traits of another breed I think that's a B.S move to sell a pup. Why else would the breeder lie if his cross is so great?

would the man be lying if he said there was no Russell or Lakeland? I don't know why people feel the need to label a terrier with a breed name. The white dog added in the past could have made the line successful.
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To go back to the original topic is the answer not simply to get the Patterdale terrier registered with the KC or AKC ? Then a breed standard will be written in stone and the honest breeders will gladly not sell pups of the wrong colour and also take pups that turn up in litters from their stock for 1 or 2 generations ? Then as long as no one gets to hear about it the rest of the blood remains pure bred. And everyone has peace of mind. And owns pure bred 100 per cent real deal stuff. As happened with the Parson Russell Terrier.

Probably the worst thing that could happen to any breed, open ticket to lie and cheat

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To go back to the original topic is the answer not simply to get the Patterdale terrier registered with the KC or AKC ? Then a breed standard will be written in stone and the honest breeders will gladly not sell pups of the wrong colour and also take pups that turn up in litters from their stock for 1 or 2 generations ? Then as long as no one gets to hear about it the rest of the blood remains pure bred. And everyone has peace of mind. And owns pure bred 100 per cent real deal stuff. As happened with the Parson Russell Terrier.

Are you being serious

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To go back to the original topic is the answer not simply to get the Patterdale terrier registered with the KC or AKC ? Then a breed standard will be written in stone and the honest breeders will gladly not sell pups of the wrong colour and also take pups that turn up in litters from their stock for 1 or 2 generations ? Then as long as no one gets to hear about it the rest of the blood remains pure bred. And everyone has peace of mind. And owns pure bred 100 per cent real deal stuff. As happened with the Parson Russell Terrier.

Are you being serious
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patts are a relatively new breed/type. they are very variable in type. throwing rough/smooth coats. strong or snipey heads long or short legs. often in the same litters. :yes: some lines kept for work first will only be maybe three or four generations from the early strains . despite care being taken to breed type. there will be throwbacks to russell /bull/ lakie /beddies. both in colour.type and temprement.


if i bred the litter and got a white it would be given away as a russell TYPE. as that is what it is.


some breed for shows and money they may be more consistent in type and colour as they dont need to test them so they may be ten or twenty generations from the early strains and less variable. i would do some research on the breeding of my bitch and if it was good and it worked well i would be happy

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If what you say or call a throw back and they produce white dogs then why isn't there any around? And if you had pats why would you call it a Russell type if they came from 2 patS? Why not try and tell people there pats if its exceptable? once your past your 4th Gen good luck bringing that to the front. Some will call those a throw back I call it good excuse why your dog produced what it did. Rember the worst lie is the lie you tell yourself

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This white dog stuff is a new one to me .I've only saw terriers in the last thirty years over. And so people before me would have really knew. But colours like that I only saw was when dogs were crossed with others. If lads had blacks ,the litters were blacks and so on.

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call them what you like Patterdale Russells lake lands they are all terriers and one thing that I will never do again from experience is ever judge a terrier from appearance after all when he's deep below doing what he was bred to do in a very good manner does anyone give too fucks if he's black or white I certainly don't and if one does you shouldn't be in the game. respect the dog not its colour

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True enough. But people discriminate through colour .the good and bad in the field or yard with both colours or other sorts. But problem is people selling breeding dogs and fast experts on selling and then wronging people in the breeds or how the get there

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