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Your dead right bud , And that what people done when crossing different breeds up or back in lines the know nothing really about . doesn't work out in later crosses there after to breed off.

Your missing the whole point, there is no such thing as a pure Patterdale. The whole makeup of every single line of black's has fell, border, bull, Belington and just about anything else that did it's job back in the day
yes but you see lines of black dogs very unique
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If you thought the parents were good enough to breed from why would a colour bother you ? Half the reason terrier work has gone tits upwards is people breeding for colour or stamp, work is the reason

There's no such mythical animal as a "pure Patterdale " , they've got border, bull and Black and tan in the mix. They're a relatively new type, show me any pictures of a family of "pure Patterdale "

Rippem the reason we all say it's a throw back is because we all know there's no such thing as a pure Patterdale. You're getting obsessed with a piece of paper and a colour. The line of terriers I ke

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dillydog, I meant to say what if you were told there was no Lakeland or Russle in the blood and it those type popped up. Would you question the breeder? And I see a lot of folks say that there could be Lakeland or bull or whatever back in the ped. But after the 4 gen on back wouldn't it be so distance that you would have to win the lottery to bring it back up to the front? Or call it a fluke..

dillydog, I meant to say what if you were told there was no Lakeland or Russle in the blood and it those type popped up. Would you question the breeder? And I see a lot of folks say that there could be Lakeland or bull or whatever back in the ped. But after the 4 gen on back wouldn't it be so distance that you would have to win the lottery to bring it back up to the front? Or call it a fluke..

It's human nature to question things when they crop up unexpectedly, I don't think I'd be any different. If you were happy with the work I'd gift the coloured pup away or PTS. It may be a throw back, it may be bullshit breeding, but as I said the work should be first and foremost.
I agree work should come first.I didn't do any breeding so I didnt get any white dogs. Was just looking to hear opinions on of to happened to you. Would you question your blood line.
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If the whole litter is black i still wont believe their patterdales because there is money involved the only thing bred will be lies. How many men have dogs in there yard that they are told when buying are out of some famous dog or bitch when the breeder has 4 or 5 litters on the ground all at once and says there out of these parents when they are breeding every sort of shit and having a great laugh when taking your cash ,shaking your hand and telling you what you want to hear. Sometimes we want to believe it too even when we know we are been shafted.

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Your dead right bud , And that what people done when crossing different breeds up or back in lines the know nothing really about . doesn't work out in later crosses there after to breed off.

Your missing the whole point, there is no such thing as a pure Patterdale. The whole makeup of every single line of black's has fell, border, bull, Belington and just about anything else that did it's job back in the day
yes back in the day, but going back that far it shouldn't pop up TODAY. Like I said before if you had 2 black dogs you were told were pats and bred them.and had white dogs are you gonna go tell everyone you have white pats? I've seen the dogs you post and I highly doubt you would nor bred off it..WOULD YOU CALL THE WHITE PUP THAT CAME FROM YOUR 2 BLACK DOGS A PAT? REALLY WOULD YOU?
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Your dead right bud , And that what people done when crossing different breeds up or back in lines the know nothing really about . doesn't work out in later crosses there after to breed off.

Your missing the whole point, there is no such thing as a pure Patterdale. The whole makeup of every single line of black's has fell, border, bull, Belington and just about anything else that did it's job back in the day
yes but you see lines of black dogs very unique

True but they got that way through breeding plans, they didn't start like that

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And if you did see a white dog would you assum there is Russell in the blood. Some of you are taking this way out of content..

I've had this line for a few decades now rippem so no I wouldn't, I do get the odd white chest and white foot though. I'm not trying to take it out of context, I assumed you had seen the parents work and knew their makeup

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Your dead right bud , And that what people done when crossing different breeds up or back in lines the know nothing really about . doesn't work out in later crosses there after to breed off.

Your missing the whole point, there is no such thing as a pure Patterdale. The whole makeup of every single line of black's has fell, border, bull, Belington and just about anything else that did it's job back in the day
yes back in the day, but going back that far it shouldn't pop up TODAY. Like I said before if you had 2 black dogs you were told were pats and bred them.and had white dogs are you gonna go tell everyone you have white pats? I've seen the dogs you post and I highly doubt you would nor bred off it..WOULD YOU CALL THE WHITE PUP THAT CAME FROM YOUR 2 BLACK DOGS A PAT? REALLY WOULD YOU?

If I'd bought them in without knowing the line I'd be no different from you, confront the breeder face to face

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dillydog, you guys really need to read full post and not just parts. I DID NO BREEDING AND GOT WHITE DOGS FROM IT,LOL,I was asking what would you think and do if you were told there was no Russell or Lakeland in the blood and you got white dogs or black and tans..I was asking what you guys would do and would you question the breeding? That's all. I never saw a Lakeland before but one. A dog Named alphie. So I didn't know anything about them till I got on here. And the breeder to a female I bought told me the bitch to my pup was a pat. 3/4 Gould and 1/4 Nuttall.well as my pup started getting older she got a white Mohawk and white on her face and chest the mother looks just like a lakeland. Well I saw that he posted a pic of the mother on the Lakeland thread and hit him up right away. And said I thought you said she wasn't a Lakeland and he insist she isnt.but I know better. Of it look like like a duck it's a duck. She looks nothing like a pat..do I dislike her for this? No. She coming on nice. But will I ever breed her knowing this? NO WAY! I'm not a breeder and never sold Dog so I never bred my pats that I hunted with. And guess what? That screwed me!I had nice hard little dogs! So hear I am now starting over and this breeder knew this. He knew I wanted a tight ped and a pup off hard workers.a couple guys told me to go to him if I wanted hunting dogs so I did.did I get so far a nice acting pup? Yes But Only Time Will tell. Will I ever bred her knowing the ped on the bitch isn't right? No! No matter how good she hunts!I believe in line breeding and not playing god and breeding whatever to whatever. That's not how you get consistency. And a breeder should never lie about his breeding. Especially if he believes in what he's breeding

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Your dead right bud , And that what people done when crossing different breeds up or back in lines the know nothing really about . doesn't work out in later crosses there after to breed off.

Your missing the whole point, there is no such thing as a pure Patterdale. The whole makeup of every single line of black's has fell, border, bull, Belington and just about anything else that did it's job back in the day
yes back in the day, but going back that far it shouldn't pop up TODAY. Like I said before if you had 2 black dogs you were told were pats and bred them.and had white dogs are you gonna go tell everyone you have white pats? I've seen the dogs you post and I highly doubt you would nor bred off it..WOULD YOU CALL THE WHITE PUP THAT CAME FROM YOUR 2 BLACK DOGS A PAT? REALLY WOULD YOU?
Thats the whole point TELL THE TRUTH REGARDLESS! why are you afraid of telling someone you got a white pup out of black pats? Will they think less of your dogs , & you? If they're genuine they shouldnt. If they do who gives a f@ck. Does their opinion count when your out the fields working your dog? So who cares what anyone thinks once your terriers work to your std.
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I think I read it right, my point is there's no such thing as a pure Patterdale. From my time in America most of you think a Patterdale is a type, IE smooth Nuttall type. If you could see what gets put into most Patterdale classes at a hunt show you'd have a kitten !

If you're asking what I'd do again I thought I'd answered you, PTS and move on or give it a chance it's your call.

I can understand you wanting a tight bred pup to start a yard but unless you do your research and contact someone that keeps a specific line you'll be disappointed at every turn

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Exactly, if you believe in your line you shouldn't have to lie. Over here in the state's everyone who owns a pat WiLl tell you they hunt. But as soon as you ask what locators they ask what it is. Then they tell you they don't need one because there dogs bring them out and back to them..over hear 90% that own these types of dogs never even spend time in the woods.but they will breed the crap out of them and tell you they do..Lol..hunting the ground isn't illegal hear so you would think there would be a lot of good ground dogs here but there's not. Americans are to lazy to put the work in.

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I think I read it right, my point is there's no such thing as a pure Patterdale. From my time in America most of you think a Patterdale is a type, IE smooth Nuttall type. If you could see what gets put into most Patterdale classes at a hunt show you'd have a kitten !

If you're asking what I'd do again I thought I'd answered you, PTS and move on or give it a chance it's your call.

I can understand you wanting a tight bred pup to start a yard but unless you do your research and contact someone that keeps a specific line you'll be disappointed at every turn

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